Meanwhile Renault will be producing the 5 (upcoming small EV) in France for a pretty low price considering modern car (and especially EV) pricing. It’s even got a reasonable range.
My point bringing that up is… if this happens, it’s because VW is being greedy and seeks to outsource labour – likely to Asia. It’s not because it’s a necessary move to make their business viable.
I’ve always liked VAG cars, shit I currently have one, but they’ve been making such massive missteps for years now.
Username does not check out! Not at all! What have the Wormhole-beings done to you Nagus?!
Greed is not optional under capitalism.
There is nothing morally wrong with outsourcing.
There’s nothing wrong with leaving thousands jobless? Pulling out of an area and community that’s contributed so much to your success? Moving more and more operations to a country that practices genocide?
I think we have very different views on morality.
The net number of jobs does not change. They are not eliminating jobs, they are moving them. The same number of people are employed.
Spoken like a corporate apologist.
The net number of jobs does not change.
That’s not necessarily true at all. Companies downsize virtually all the time when they move.
And it’s not even what I said anyway, you’re putting words in my mouth. I said leaving thousands jobless. Do you understand?
And just glossing over the genocide part, eh? I’ll ask you directly: is genocide bad, good, or neither?
It also creates new jobs for thousands of other people. Why do you hate those people?
Address my comment then I might consider answering subsequent questions from you.
Why do you hate those people?
oMg wHy dO yOu wAnT tHe GeRmAn fAcToRy WoRkErS tO STaRvE tO dEaTh aNd ThEiR bAbiES tO DiE?? wHy dO yOu HaTe tHeM sO mUCh??
You are just a racist. It offends you that people in the developing world are getting jobs.
Seems like a misstep. If the cars aren’t selling, look outside the manufacturing plant for the problems.
I mean they hiked considerably the prices and then wonder why their cars aren’t selling well. Plus VW cars are very boring.
Well don’t forget the diesel emission scandal. They’ll happily cheat for profit as hard as possible.
The Wolfsburg-based manufacturer on Monday informed its works council
Goshdarnit Guardian. You mean management, as in the CEO, informed the board, which has 50% - 1 seats allocated to the works council. Who already expressed their preference for the CEO to shove it. Then we have the seats representing the state stake (Lower Saxony owns 20%), which let it be known, somewhat more statesmanlike, that “the question of works closures won’t arise because every other option will be exhausted first”.
My prediction? If the CEO doesn’t clearly communicate that “those were of course theoretical considerations unlikely to have practical relevance” there’s going to be a new CEO.
Hooray! Shut them all down. Cars are a dead end for the planet.