Where do I buy ass cigarettes
How can you tell without perspective?
It says la cigarette cause le cancer.
> le me
> smoking le cigarette like a boss
> gets le cancer
Literally translates to “the cigarette gets you pregnant October”
I took four years of French. I remember that “La” is feminine and “Le” is masculine. So a rough translation would be:
“The feminine something something the masculine something.”
Le grille? What the hell is that.
I was waiting for this comment. 😁
It says it will change your star sign bro.
Give me tarot prognosis bro
Your tarot card for the day is The Sass.
Your prognosis is to keep shit posting.
Aw man, I hate working in the front end :(
Wdym? It clearly says А ну чики-брики и в дамки!
It says “I don’t really speak french but I’ll write something good enough”.
Seriously, it sounds really weird.
But I le tirreed.
Cancer is le bad.
tips le fedora