WASHINGTON (AP) — The gunman in the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump searched online for events of both Trump and President Joe Biden, looked up information about explosives over the last five years and eyed the Pennsylvania campaign rally where he opened fire last month as a “target of opportunity,” a senior FBI official said Wednesday.

In the 30 days before the attack, the FBI says, Crooks did more than 60 internet searches related to Biden and Trump, including seeking the dates of both the Democratic and Republican national conventions. FBI Director Christopher Wray has previously revealed that one week before the shooting, Crooks did a Google search for “How far away was Oswald from Kennedy?”

Looking forward to seeing how the MAGA elite spin this into their victimhood narrative.

  • Letsdothis@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    You’re implying Hitler wasn’t as big a threat in 1936, but he should have been killed anyway… and you dont see how that would be wrong?

    That’s beside the point. You’re all skewed… 1936 August 28: German authorities implement mass arrests of jehova Witnesses in Germany. Most are sent to concentration camps. They already had concentration camps in 1936. Hitler wasn’t being called harmless. He wasn’t a threat to the west yet, but he was a threat to many. He was a threat to Germany. In 1923, he staged a coup and went to prison. “The Beer Hall Putsch.” No one like me was calling Hitler harmless in 1936.

    That’s actually beside the point, too. You want to execute an innocent man. Well… innocent of a crime that would call for the death penalty. You’re endorsing the assassination of an ex-president. An execution not based on law and order. Its disgusting and un-American to wish such a thing. I doubt this is convincing you, and I’m probably wasting my time, so I’m done now