Imagine the following:
You actually can stop the time by snapping you fingers, but it stops time for the entire universe, including yourself, with the exception of one single observer on some unimportant planet in the Andromeda galaxy. After 100 years from the POV of that observer, time resumes again.
Would you even be able to tell?
Entire universe no. Stopping this particular galaxy and not the others, the average Joe wouldn’t notice. But I think the astronomers could tell?
Time for a calm existence experiencing nothing and going nowhere, never
Alternatively, snapping your fingers stops time but snapping again doesn’t start it back up.
🙂 you can stop time by snapping your fingers
💀 you cannot unstop time, and this state will persist until you die, making you lonely for years
“OP will come to a brutal realization that time marches on and has no master … in the twilight zone”
Here’s a question, would you even be aware? Does one’s awareness supersede time?
The more I think about existence and awareness the less I understand about them. Why the hell am I here?
This shit keeps me at night.
I think I believe that it’s all the brain. You can change someone’s personality entirely through accidental injury or intentional damage/medication.
And existence is just all chance. I used to desire more from everything but now I think humans are just another animal who developed a different evolutionary strategy and life is merely another means for entropy. Not to say it’s not unique, but the value of it is only what we determine it is to ourselves.
Jones on you, I can’t snap my fingers.
Sad Lil’ Jon noises
“yeah… Okay :(”
I think this image would work perfectly fine without the second line and just the picture
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