A Black Texas high school student who was suspended because his loc hairstyle violated the district’s dress code was suspended again upon his return to school Monday, an attorney for the family told CNN.
Darryl George has been suspended for more than two weeks because his loc hairstyle violates the Barbers Hill Independent School District dress and grooming code, according to his family.
The code states that “male students’ hair will not extend, at any time, below the eyebrows or below the ear lobes,” CNN previously reported.
I’m sorry to inform you, it used to be worse. Women rape victims used to not come forward because one of the main things that would be shoved in their faces was “how they dressed” and “were they asking for it.”
That bullshit has been a throughline in US culture for fucking decades. I’m in my forties and when I was in high school, girls had ridiculous dress codes that were clearly sexist and clearly icky as fuck. Why would male authority figures be so obsessed with young women not being “too revealing” unless they’re the creepy fucks who are staring?
Not to mention all the rules about men’s pants sagging in the 90’s. A rule that seemed aimed at young black and latino men in particular.
Believe it or not, it’s better than it was in the 90’s. It’s still bad, it’s still bullshit, but it’s not new.
It still happens.
And that’s why it’s the job of people like you and me to raise a hellish stink about it whenever it happens so that one day, maybe it will finally stop.
Racial targeting aside, I think there’s a big difference between visible underwear and a hairstyle. It’s not the same conversation