Western support for Ukraine as it defends against Russia has globally significant consequences, Polish President Andrzej Duda said Tuesday, urging Kyiv’s backers to remain steadfast.
“It is about making sure that Russia is not able legally to forcefully shift the borders in Europe,” Duda told CNN’s Jake Tapper in an interview from the United Nations headquarters in New York.
This is exactly what I don’t understand about people who want peace in Ukraine as soon as possible and at all costs: capitulation for the sake of short-term peace endangers long-term peace.
If we globally set the precedent that you can invade whomever you want and win just because you have nukes, that makes for a vastly more dangerous world. Every country with nukes will suddenly be more willing to go all imperialist, and all the countries without nukes will want to have them as a guarantee against invasion. And I don’t know about y’all, but a world with way more nukes in way more hands is way more dangerous.
Plus, Putin has shown he’ll keep on invading neighbors so long as he can get away with it. Delivering a crushing defeat to Russia and specifically Putin is the only way to achieve a more lasting peace.
Europe is treating putin exactly the same way they treated hitler. It’s an entire continent of people who never learn. What’s next; is germany going to go through belgium to invade france again?
No but you see for something to be imperialism it has to come from the imperialist region of the world. When Russia is doing it it’s only sparkling aggression.
That aside imperialism is supposed to benefit the economy while Russia’s has been going to the shitter. Checkmate, liberal, I’m very smart.
If that was the case Putin would not be right now in defensive position, he would be marching towards the polish border indtead
He would love to, but he just can’t, at the moment.
Don’t even respond to this Russian simp he’s in every thread about ukraine praising Russia
He has 300.000 reserves in Russia that he has never used on the ground
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They are the ones that deter Poland and US to throw their men on the ground
How the fuck has he shown that? How many countries has Russia invaded since Putin got into power?
Even the US foreign policy people have been warning that Russia won’t accept NATO in Ukraine. This is why they invaded, not because Putin is a serial invader, because he very clearly isn’t. You know who are actually serial invaders? The US and their NATO entourage.
This has to be one of the top 10 dumbest takes of 2023 lol
Not counting Chechnya (which should arguably have become independent after the dissolution of the USSR) and the attempts at colonialism in Africa and Arabia: Two. Georgia and Ukraine. On top of that he continued the occupation of Moldovan territory.
…have not annexed territory since… I’m too lazy to look it up. For the US it’s Hawaii, I think. Also comparing Russia to the US is choosing an awfully low bar. It’s like the US saying “but we imprison a smaller amount of our population than North Korea!”
Georgia and Russia is creating conditions in Moldova exactly like in Georgia and Ukraine prior to invasion. It’s pretty safe to say Moldova will be invaded in the future if Russia wins.
Ukraine had exactly zero chance to get into NATO.
Just like in Ukraine Russia created breakaway regions by funding terrorist groups or outright sending their own military ‘on vacation’ into the region. And just like in Ukraine those breakaway regions are not part of Russia so the conflict there is not an excuse for Russia to invade. And as I said this exact situation is currently developing in Moldova so we have 3 examples of this exact strategy being employed.