Idr what books it was cus read them in elementary school but I remember there’s a timer on their power where if they stay as an animal too long they get stuck. I remember this cus at one point they make a long trip so they have to shift back every few hours but get stuck half way.
Also some evil character turned into a bird or falcon or something and forcibly turned a couple characters into flys or something and yeah
These were books that are good to be in an elementary school
Idr what books it was cus read them in elementary school but I remember there’s a timer on their power where if they stay as an animal too long they get stuck. I remember this cus at one point they make a long trip so they have to shift back every few hours but get stuck half way.
Also some evil character turned into a bird or falcon or something and forcibly turned a couple characters into flys or something and yeah
These were books that are good to be in an elementary school
Oh yeah, it was a mix of body horror, the brutalities of war, the unconscionable weight of leadership, and happy fun time seagull antics.
The time limit was 2 hours or you got stuck. And that happened in the first book to emphasize “kids, this is real.”