Farelly brothers, Coens, Russos, Wachowskis, Lord and Miller etc.
Pretty good track records for these teams, but are there counter examples or should mid directors just find a partner?
David Benioff and D. B. Weiss
I will not forget. I will not forgive.
edit: I only realized just now that I’m in movies, but I stand by my assertion.
Tbf, they had a pretty good run with the source materials but got greedy.
The Rings of Power have an unknown showrunner duo who seems to be doing much worse
I will admit they were good at bringing someone else’s story to life. I still can’t forgive them for their later transgressions.
The Wachowski brothers made great movies. The Wachowski sisters… Not so much.
I really don’t know whether I like this comment or not 🤨
Time to demand sidevoting
I agree that the movies they did earlier in their careers were more enjoyable to me, but I also am confused
Ahh I can’t think of the movie but there was one on how did this get made that was made by a married couple who ended up getting divorced after one of the movies
friedberg and seltzer, directors of some of IMDb’s bottom 100