There should be no competition at all between these two. And if it weren’t for the complete fucking idiots that live here, it would be a landslide victory for common sense.
A morally bankrupt 34 times over felon/sex offender vs a provenly educated and effective woman with a clean track record and a good history of being on the right side of issues….
This shit be a no-brainer.
That we’re even here is NOT a good thing.
I agree and feel like I’m taking the same crazy pills I was on back in 2015-16. Shouldn’t even be a game with odds worth tuning in for, it should be a landslide. I remember how angry I was at the non-voting suckers back then. This time around, if you don’t vote, you better have a doctor’s note–considering the road we could end up going down.
Very well said.
Genuinely wondering, but I’m in a completely blue state. What’s the point of voting for the presidency where I live?
Obviously if I were in a swing state or red state I’d vote though, to be clear.
You shouldn’t just be voting for the presidency and I mean, while you’re there you may as well for no extra effort. But otherwise, The popular vote helps show the opinion of the majority. It might feel like a drop in the ocean, but every ocean is made of drops.
By helping reinforce downstream ballot races too. Things start at a local level, look at what school boards and local judges are doing. But besides that it helps show numbers on a national level. Yea the electoral college still decides things but a large popular vote starts making a case against it especially if the electoral college is “close” in numbers.
I think this may become a “close to the brink” moments in American history that many people will look back upon and have a great deal to say about for a very long time to come.
“May you live in interesting times”
— Ancient Chinese curse
I prefer “convicted rapist” over “sex offender”.
I may be wrong, but I think he’s an “adjudicated rapist” because it was a civil matter. Correct me if I’m wrong though, because I’m just parroting something that I’ve heard.
Let’s just say rapist and move on. Mr. 'Grab ‘em by the Pussy’ doesn’t deserve any precision language.
Thank you!
I don’t care if in legalese it is considered “wrong” to call a rapist a rapist.
Donald J. Trump is a pedophilic rapist and a rapist.
A spade is a fucking spade.
The only reason they couldn’t call him a rapist in the E. Jean Carroll case is because she was unable to say with 100% certainty that she was penetrated by his penis which is the definitions under NY law, it could have been his finger.
So I agree, he rapes people, he’s a rapist.
Rapist and convicted felon, fraudulent business man and bankrupt casino owner, suspected sex trafficker, sycophant of tyrants and notorious golf cheat Donald J. Trump should have no chance in the upcoming presidential election. But because he dog whistles the right words and there are a whole lot of hateful people out there, here we are.
Housing too expensive?
Option A: Vote for the candidate who wants to subsidize first time home ownership.
Option B: Vote for the NY slumlord.
I’ve seen truly a marvelous amount of human beings who would vote against A just because they were fortunate to buy their first house without assistance, “so why should anyone else get help?” It’s a chronic pain how often “fuck you, I got mine” is tossed around in so many flavours.
Except then his supporters just read B as: Vote for the guy who made money off the libs in NY
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Uh yeah no shit mother Jones
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It’s amazing how she outcompeted all the other Democrats for the nomination.
This talking point has already been tried and we don’t care.