The true death toll passed 40,000 a long time ago. These are just the bodies that have been recovered and identified.
Right, we’re talking likely 2% or more of the entire population killed so far. That’s horrific
Genocide. New holocaust.
if we’re lucky, there’s be a paragraph about it between to the paragraph about the trail of tears and the other paragraph about martin luther king jr in american history books.
I highly recommend Lies My Teacher Told Me, American history textbooks are fucking garbage lol
For example, that the US Army hunted buffalo to near extinction specifically to starve the plains natives, it was a deliberate strategy of using starvation as a weapon. I was taught it was just “”“poaching”“” from settlers and that it was all an accident.
that and A People’s History of the United States informs most of what i know.
i also marvel from time to time at how the bullshit that i was taught when i was young can still completely overpower the things i learned in my young adulthood; and it somehow got worse once i reached middle age.
The entirety of Hamas consists of about 10,000 people. So let that sink in for a bit.
As conservatives cheer.