That I have ADHD and was not extremely lazy and difficult.
I couldn’t manage to convince my parents that I had piss poor vision until I was 8 years old. When I finally managed to get them to take me to the eye doctor and get prescription glasses, my mom apologized to me repeatedly for like 2 weeks.
In my head:
You: “Mom! Everything looks bad!”
Mom: “I know sweetheart, but even though everything seems hopeless we have to focus on the positive things…”I managed to make it to 13, I could not see past my arm length without everything becoming mad blurry. No wonder I only read books as a kid!
That religion was seriously, extremely fucking stupid.
How to use a computer.
My dad once physically pried the buttons off a mouse because he couldn’t figure out left vs right clicking, and thought it was broken. I still didn’t know what he thought he would accomplish.
That. And nonbinarity.
“Mom, I’m not girl”
“But you have girl parts between your legs, you’re not a boy”
“Mom, I’m not a boy either. I’m something else. Also I don’t want kids and I’m not sexually attracted to anyone”
That was almost 40 years ago. No internet at the time and not categories like ace, enby, etc.
Do you still feel the same way?
I do.
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