I have my own ssh server (on raspberry pi 5, Ubuntu Server 23) but when I try to connect from my PC using key authentication (having password disabled), I get a blank screen. A blinking cursor.
However, once I enter the command eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
and try ssh again, I successfully login after entering my passphrase. I don’t want to issue this command every time. Is that possible?
This does not occur when I have password enabled on the ssh server. Also, ideally, I want to enter my passphrase EVERYTIME I connect to my server, so ideally I don’t want it to be stored in cache or something. I want the passphrase to be a lil’ password so that other people can’t accidentally connect to my server when they use my PC.
The whole point of ssh-agent is to remember your passphrase. If you don’t want to do that your problem might be that for some reason ssh client doesn’t pick up your key. Try defining it for the host
Also, there’s -v flag for ssh. Use it to debug what’s going on when it doesn’t try to use your key
okay I tried that, using -i to specify private key. I get the same thing: blank / blinking cursor. When I use verbose -v flag, I see that in all cases (using -i, the config file, and originally) it ends with these two lines (after about 50 lines) :
debug1: Offering public key: /home/username/.ssh/id_rsa RSA SHA256:j3MUkYzhTrjC6PHkIbre3O(etc) agent debug1: Server accepts key: /home/username/.ssh/id_rsa RSA SHA256:j3MUkYzhTrjC6PHkIbre3OT(etc) agent
where (etc) is some redacted text. It seems the server is ACCEPTING the key, which is nice. But then it’s still a blinking cursor…
Check if it is true. In the server logs.
I’m not sure which logs I can and should check, but when I listen to this:
sudo tail -f /var/log/auth.log
I only get this right after I ctrl+C on my blank / blinking cursor screen. (Did this 3 times in a row.)
2024-08-14T11:35:32.874228+02:00 pidoos sshd[3957]: Connection closed by authenticating user pi MY_PUBLIC_IP port 52242 [preauth] 2024-08-14T11:35:50.168160+02:00 pidoos sshd[3975]: Connection closed by authenticating user pi MY_PUBLIC_IP port 39266 [preauth] 2024-08-14T11:35:55.236347+02:00 pidoos sshd[3987]: Connection closed by authenticating user pi MY_PUBLIC_IP port 41318 [preauth]
Where MY_PUBLIC_IP is redacted. I’m not even sure why my public IP is showing. I connect locally. But ports are forwarded, yes.
sudo journalctl -u sshd -f
does not seem to output anything…That’s only part of the handshake. It’d require agent input around that point.
FWIW, I’ve found that the -v flag often doesn’t say why it’s not using your key, just that it isn’t using your key and it has fallen back to password authentication.
It’s usually not terribly helpful for figuring out why it’s not using your key, just that it’s not using your key, which you kind of already know if it’s prompting you for a password. lol
Because it’s basically axiomatic: ssh uses all keys it knows about. The system can’t tell you why it’s not using something it doesn’t know it should be able to use. You can give a -i for the certificate to check if it doesn’t know it because the content is broken or the location.
That said: this doesn’t make -v more useful for cases like this, just because there’s a reason!
replace passphrase with private key and you’re very correct.
passphrases used to login to servers using PasswordAuthentication are not stored in the agent. i might be wrong with technical details on how the private key is actually stored in RAM by the agent, but in the context of ssh passphrases that could be directly used for login to servers, saying the agent stores passphrases is at least a bit misleading.
what you want is:
also an idea:
all depends on the level of security you want to achieve. additional TOTP could improve security too (but beware that some authenticator providers might have “sharing” features which could compromise the TOTP token even before its first use.