I don’t understand the nuances well enough to know, but the thought control is still pretty strong in Russia. I do wonder if the populous will see this as the manifestation of what Putin has been saying all along, which is that the Ukraine means to bring violence to them and all efforts so far have been to keep this at bay. If so they will double down on their support for the dictator.
I often think about how much brain washing the Trump group has been able to do in the US even with free press and open access to the rest of the world. Imagine the power of the mind control one could achieve with an entire infrastructure built to support just that.
I don’t understand the nuances well enough to know, but the thought control is still pretty strong in Russia. I do wonder if the populous will see this as the manifestation of what Putin has been saying all along, which is that the Ukraine means to bring violence to them and all efforts so far have been to keep this at bay. If so they will double down on their support for the dictator.
I often think about how much brain washing the Trump group has been able to do in the US even with free press and open access to the rest of the world. Imagine the power of the mind control one could achieve with an entire infrastructure built to support just that.
Putin is going to use this to the extremes. He’s going to spur more enlistment, perhaps a full mobilization if he can spin enough outrage.