I work with a client that migrated their infrastructure to Microsoft. In order to connect to their Linux Server, I now have to Remote Desktop to their Azure Virtual Desktop thing. I’m not pleased but it’s out of my control.
I tried remmina freerdp
but doesn’t seem to support that Azure thing, there doesn’t seem to be an option to add the workspace.
Any recommendations or do I have to setup a virtual machine just for this? :/ Cheers
Freerdp 3.x has this support. I have been using it half a year back for this very purpose. Ask for help on #FreeRDP:matrix.org they are very helpful
My example:
Keep in mind that I was using for accessing Windows machine… Some flags might need to be a bit different
Where’d you get the .rdp file? I can’t find a way to get a working version of mine.
Here’s how I got mine:
Go to the web version: https://client.wvd.microsoft.com/arm/webclient/index.html
In the top right corner, click on the settings icon (cog)
Under “Resources Launch Method”, select the `Download the rdp file" radio option
Click whatever machine you want to access
The file started to download
Lovely. Thanks! Now to figure out how to redirect that YubiKey USB device, so I could use Passkey auth…
This worked perfectly, thank you so much. Now let’s check if I can add some port forwarding through this…
In arch it’s
, just in case anyone needs it.