I am going to ask if I may use linux for work. We are using windows but there is nothing that couldn’t be done on linux. Privately, I am mainly a fedora user but I’d be happy with any OS and DE or wm. What do I need to look out for when I suggest an OS? What does a computer/ linux/DE need in order to be ready for enterprise workstation? Will I only have a user and no sudo rights? May I install all flatpak apps? Does the admin have to be able to remote ssh?

  • eldavi@lemmy.ml
    6 months ago

    if it’s a large enough company, expect them to have systems administrators (sometimes called systems engineers nowadays) to exert control over their windows systems using either active directory or azure iam policies.

    there are multiple ways to get a linux system to comply with those policies; but that doesn’t matter since they’ll make the case to management that the extra operational costs of either getting your system to become compliant or providing you with support will hurt the budget and/or suck up extra bandwidth for support.

    your best bet in such cases are to offer written agreements that you will never seek out IT’s help and you will take full responsibility if you’re not able to get your work done because your linux system and provide a plan written down for each eventuality you can think of when your linux system doesn’t work as expected.

    i would also expect your manager to reject your request despite these efforts unless you’re a highly enough paid individual contributor or have a special enough relationship with upper management.