Everyone should care
Yeah, privacy is not political.
Everyone should care
If you truly believe you have nothing to hide, please post your full name and address, telephone number, email, bank balance, an assessment of your relationship to your parents and a link to your complete photo folder as a response to this comment.
While i agree with the sentiment thats a ridiculous comparison. Thinking you have nothing to hide from the government is not the same as thinking you have nothing to hide from random entities on the internet. You already give the government all of that stuff when you literally just exist. Go get a social security card or a drivers license. Absolutely asinine to try to compare the two.
But increasingly, the data you need to care about not being private isn’t from the govt. airs from those random entities. And their security is godawful.
Such as?
…google, Microsoft, Facebook…need I go on?
In the early 2000s, the issue was primarily the government. Patriot act made sure of that. And yeah, it’s still an issue with regards to the amount and types of data they’re storing and who the government is currently comprised of, but in 2024, the much larger privacy issue is from private data holdings. All those random fuckin apps you have, every cell phone carrier, every goddamn car now. Your data is the product now. And capitalism is the problem.
Yes you need to go on. You dont just get to name apps and that just point blank proves your point lmfao. What is the data these places have that you didnt willingly give them that needs to be kept private
In the privacy community, you’re confused as to how big tech is violating your privacy?
Fuckin Forbes knows it. Establishment democrats know it. But you don’t?
Your cars are spying on you. How is this news?
lol this is literally the next article linked in my feed after I submitted this comment. https://www.texastribune.org/2024/07/30/texas-meta-facebook-biometric-data-settlement/
And that has nothing to do with the post. What is the information they are collecting that is sooo dangerous? That its akin to my social security and home address being posted to a social forum.
the left is/will suffer more of the consequences
Great article actually. Thanks for sharing.
Are people are using WhatsApp, Discord and Instagram because it’s left or right, and not because that’s what they see everyone else is doing?
I thought the left was the ones who cared, and the right was all like “If you dont have anything to hide you shouldnt be worried” bootlickers.
Title gore
If you didn’t realize the importance of privacy after the patriot act and seeing the continuation of right wing authoritarianism, it’s definitely time to get on board asap. Get yourself and your community on signal instead of texts and tuta or proton instead of regular email, use a vpn (mullvad or proton are solid), and depending on what kinds of actions you may or may not be interested in, learn how to use tails os and tor (try to find a copy of the darknetmarket bible for a good intro)
Edit: simplex is a good alternative to signal too, and if you have a google pixel, grapheneos is solid. Next time you’re getting a new phone, get a used pixel and install it. On your computer, there’s a lot of telemetry and sketchy stuff windows does, either research and disable that or switch to linux if you can
I’ve gotten nearly my entire circle on Signal and it’s incredibly satisfying. No more worrying about seeing ads based on my text conversations.
@[email protected] don’t forget the CL:OUD Act either - that has serious privacy implications for countries outside the USA
I think people outside the US are fair game
If you don’t like it then don’t send your data to the US
Why are Americans so focused on left vs right? Both parties are fascists they’re just trying to take away different rights for the time being.
Yeah the good guys are the centrists who want to continue the status quo: grind the poor people, make them pay fortunes for basic needs while making the rich richer.
sigh because that’s definitely what I said
Oh right you are talking about the Dem vs Rep and not left vs right. I totally misunderstood you.
I’m so fed up with enlightened centrists that I judged you wrongly. My bad.
All good mate.
What rights are the left trying to take away?
2A right to privacy right to freedom of association
Keep in mind when I say left I mean the Democrats
I know you mean democrats, but that would be incorrect about the second amendment and freedom of association.
Where’d you read that?
The blues have been spearheading the attempts to strip gun rights away for a decade. They’re the reason the ATF felt so comfortable changing rules randomly to turn millions of Americans into felons overnight. The most agregious recent example is the legality of arm braces. Although to be fair that gung ho attitude never changed when the reds were in office. Theyre more than content to let it happen.
I did mispeak about freedom of association however. Turns out that’s also being spearheaded by the reds.
Yeah, but you’re also wrong about the gun rights. They’re trying to enact sensible laws, not strip gun rights.
The most [egregious] recent example is the legality of arm braces.
It’s not egregious, that’s called a sensible conversation.
Why do gun fanatics need these types of guns anyway? What are you hunting, dragons? It’s so cringe to me when gun enthusiasts get all upset about responsible gun laws - they just want to shoot everything and anything with the most firepower they can acquire. God forbid they have to earn the right to own such a weapon.
Trying to apply justifications to the stripping of rights does not change the fact the rights are being eroded. Also if you think it’s okay to make millions of people felons overnight by the whim of unelected bureaucrats then this conversation clearly will go nowhere. Have a good day.
make millions of people felons overnight
Also wrong. I knew you were going to spout some far right bullshit propaganda.
Here, take some time to educate yourself.
Listen up people - it is okay to evolve our laws as we evolve as people. No one needs a fucking AR-15, and if you do, it should be regulated.
To bear arms.
Also nobody seems interested in male reproductive rights.
Also, have you seen how leftist moderators here on Lemmy behave?
To bear arms.
No they’re not.
Also nobody seems interested in male reproductive rights.
Okay, I’ll bite. Like what?
Also, have you seen how leftist moderators here on Lemmy behave?
Do tell…
Can you see yourself right now? You’re literally lying and discrediting purely based of personal impression, and that’s the same behavior your whole crowd has that I have a problem with.
Why don’t you cite one reference to support your bullshit?
Do I really need a reference to point out your party’s major stances? FFS, do you even know them yourself, or do you just pick a color and root for your team like it’s sports?
Yes. You need a reference when you’re talking pure bullshit. None of that unfounded crap is on the democratic agenda. That’s why you can’t cite a single reference.
Bullshit like yours needs to be called out every time.
The Left think they’re morally superior… Prepare to be downvoted to oblivion kek
Meanwhile, me a Libertarian Socialist laughs at both sides for being totalitarian in their own way.
One of them lies about it while virtue signalling empty promises and the other says “what are you gonna do about it, huh? Yeah, that’s what I thought”
Found the tankie