Help-wanted advertisements in New York will have to disclose proposed pay rates after a statewide salary transparency law goes into effect on Sunday, part of growing state and city efforts to give women and people of color a tool to advocate for equal pay for equal work.

Employers with at least four workers will be required to disclose salary ranges for any job advertised externally to the public or internally to workers interested in a promotion or transfer.

Pay transparency, supporters say, will prevent employers from offering some job candidates less or more money based on age, gender, race or other factors not related to their skills.

Advocates believe the change also could help underpaid workers realize they make less than people doing the same job.

    1 year ago

    Pet peeve: emails with the subject “urgent need start ASAP”. I actually called up one recruiter who sent me that and asked them why I would ever consider working for a company that plans ahead so badly.

    Oh yes that is exactly what my ulcer needs. A job running a huge complex project that is turning into a clusterfuck because they didn’t want to hire an engineer until the last possible second for fear of spending a penny extra. Yes please give me this job. I want to work with people who are a bad mixture of ditzy and cheap.