This article really isn’t capturing the full scope of the problem. It talks about the inhumane conditions in the shelters, but what it’s not talking about is the inhumane conditions outside of the shelters. Turkey has a domestic feral dog problem. And if you’re picturing the typical short curly haired street dog found that most of the world you’re wrong. These are typically golden retrievers.
The people saying all that’s needed is a little bit of sterilization are probably wrong. That’s still 4 million ish golden retrievers roaming the streets. No amount of sterilization is going to fix that. Even attempting it is going to result in the same inhumane conditions they are complaining about at the shelters. And then after that trauma the dogs would be right back on the street, aka more yet trauma.
Because these are golden retrievers, there is a network getting these dogs to America for adoption. But America doesn’t need a million more golden retrievers. We already have too many because we have our own issues with not fixing our damn pets.
I feel like this article was pretty lazy and didn’t give nearly enough depth on the situation.
After having volunteered briefly in an animal shelter, the US has it’s hands full shipping dogs from states in the south with poor laws to state in the north so the dogs dont simply get killed because anyone in the wrong states can buy and abandon a dog in the matter of a week. Cant tell you how many dogs we got from Georgia in particluar. Most were days away from execution, many were so young they weren’t even finished growing. I imagine many more were killed.
I’m on the cat side of things in the South. I Foster the extra spicy ones and get them tamed up so they’re safe for adoption. And the majority of cases cats here in South Carolina end up getting shipped up to New England because apparently they have a cat shortage up there and we have a surplus down here.
It really doesn’t help that Muslims are not supposed to have dogs inside their homes (although many believe you shouldn’t have them as pets at all). It makes them much more likely to escape.
This article really isn’t capturing the full scope of the problem. It talks about the inhumane conditions in the shelters, but what it’s not talking about is the inhumane conditions outside of the shelters. Turkey has a domestic feral dog problem. And if you’re picturing the typical short curly haired street dog found that most of the world you’re wrong. These are typically golden retrievers.
The people saying all that’s needed is a little bit of sterilization are probably wrong. That’s still 4 million ish golden retrievers roaming the streets. No amount of sterilization is going to fix that. Even attempting it is going to result in the same inhumane conditions they are complaining about at the shelters. And then after that trauma the dogs would be right back on the street, aka more yet trauma.
Because these are golden retrievers, there is a network getting these dogs to America for adoption. But America doesn’t need a million more golden retrievers. We already have too many because we have our own issues with not fixing our damn pets.
I feel like this article was pretty lazy and didn’t give nearly enough depth on the situation.
Fix yo damn pets.
After having volunteered briefly in an animal shelter, the US has it’s hands full shipping dogs from states in the south with poor laws to state in the north so the dogs dont simply get killed because anyone in the wrong states can buy and abandon a dog in the matter of a week. Cant tell you how many dogs we got from Georgia in particluar. Most were days away from execution, many were so young they weren’t even finished growing. I imagine many more were killed.
I’m on the cat side of things in the South. I Foster the extra spicy ones and get them tamed up so they’re safe for adoption. And the majority of cases cats here in South Carolina end up getting shipped up to New England because apparently they have a cat shortage up there and we have a surplus down here.
It really doesn’t help that Muslims are not supposed to have dogs inside their homes (although many believe you shouldn’t have them as pets at all). It makes them much more likely to escape.