How about bots reposting reddit posts?
I hide bot posts and I don’t think I miss anything of value.
Lemmy is sure good at showing thriving communities I have absolutely zero interest in.
Yep and all the communities you are interested in?
I’ll glance at some of the ones I’m not big on to expand my horizons
I’m not looking into expanding into lecherous anime. Thankfully I’ve apparently blocked them all as they’ve stopped appearing.
But those god damn German subs look fun as hell with fire ass memes…
Too bad I can’t fucking speak German
There’s a German word for that “KannverdammtnochmalkeinDeutschsprechen”
Ooh ooh my favorite is ‘Backpfeifengesicht’
There is/was [email protected] but it looks like the bot has stopped posting recently
Happy cake day DrCake
You’re right, I haven’t seen that in a while. The about page for the community has a link to the bot’s source code on GitHub, but it’s giving me a 404 error.
The main feed is pretty good at least