She was criticized for failing to prevent the assassination attempt on Trump.
Wasn’t she just saying yesterday that she wouldn’t resign? That’s a quick reversal.
I don’t think this was a personal failing by her, this seems like Congress is making her the fall guy. A previous article I read said that the Secret Service had to refuse requests for security due to lack of funding for equipment and personnel.
Wasn’t she just saying yesterday that she wouldn’t resign? That’s a quick reversal.
Not in any way unusual for D.C.
points at Biden stepping down from campaign
There are even recent examples! In politics you say “I’ll never resign” until you say “I’ve resigned”
Which makes me wonder, how long until Menendez resigns?
Probably never. He’s well and truly fucked by his own doing and seems to be the kind of asshole who’ll break the toys because if he can’t have them nobody should.
Well, I guess the answer was “minutes”, because he’s joined the club:
That’s surprising but good to hear!
A bunch of congresspeople wrote official letters calling for her resignation after the hearing yesterday.
I think we need more of upper management being held accountable when there major fuck ups. She might not have been directly responsible for the decisions on that specific day, but it happened on her watch. She’ll be fine and get a cush job at some security company.
And a petition to force a vote on an impeachment motion was filed which would have resulted in a floor vote in 48 hours. It definitely looked like she might be on an impeachment fast track.
Do not accept that as an excuse. I was watching an interview with a security expert/former sniper and he detailed numerous failures by the team that could not be explained away with budget issues. Only complacency and ignorance could explain them.
Does anyone know if Project 2025 directly or indirectly defunds the Secret Service as well?
It will now
Only funding for those that suck Donald’s toes
Yep. Firing people (like Trump so often does) isn’t the best solution for these kinds of things. Now they’ll probably have someone less qualified in charge thrown into the job.
She should get a promotion maybe? Some extra paid vacation time to sort it out and deal with all the extra stress? Several people are in here with this ridiculous take, I don’t get it.
She failed as the head of an extremely important high stakes organization. She no longer has the faith of those she reports to. Should have offered her resignation the day after it happened. That would have been at least been honorable, anything less is ridiculous.
Her organization failed. As the head of the organization her job is to accept the failure and resign. Doesn’t matter the exact reason, she needs to take the fall. Trump never should have been cleared to speak if his safety wasn’t guaranteed. And I fucking hate the guy, but the secret service fucked up, a whole bunch of them should probably be fired, top brass first. Absolutely absurd to imagine they should keep their job after this. Normal people get fired for undercooking chicken, missing a day of work or delivering a package to the wrong place, what are we protecting here?
I bet Biden told her that if she didn’t resign, he would fire her. Right after his nap.
I was watching some of the congressional hearing yesterday and was astounded by how little information she had to offer. A truly scary display of incompetence. I’m sure there’s details that can’t be shared for the sake of national security but she couldn’t (or chose not to) even answer basic “what color is the sky” questions. Rep. Biggs asked her what the security perimeter was and she responded with “we’re asking those questions”. Huh??
I don’t believe there to be a conspiracy but, having watched her testimony, I certainly would not argue with anyone who believes there to be one. I wouldn’t argue with someone who believes an individual or portion of the USSS intentionally acted in a manner that put lives at risk.
I don’t believe it to be a conspiracy either. Not after this.
A bunch of Secret Service agents got fired over the course of those revelations, but that sort of incompetence and dereliction of duty is systemic.
And that was under Obama. No way it didn’t get even worse under Trump.
Good stuff. Thanks.
No one was fired after Kennedy or Reagan got shot.
No one was trying to be a world famous media congress critter, neither.
Denying the request for more security is the problem here, I think.
There are legitimate reasons for denying increased security. One of them is the Congressional favorite excuse for things not being done that should be, the budget. If there isn’t the budget for increased security, then a denial would be expected. A very vocal portion of Congress loves to talk about their about shrinking the budget all the damned time. One of the consequences of that is not having the budget to react to changing circumstances.
Maybe so, but she is still the one who took the heat for it. And the buck sort of stops with her here.
It does, because that’s what department heads do, they take the fall in situations like this. Even if the root cause wasn’t related to them. It’s an expectation of the position.
When Raskin got in on telling her how bad it was, I figured she was probably toast. Unlike the Trumpers, the Biden administration still has a sort of baseline political-creature level of accountability. If your job is running the organization tasked with keeping the most famous asshole in the world from getting shot, and the most famous asshole in the world subsequently gets shot, then unless it was some sort of full scale invasion or the Albert Einstein of snipers, you have to resign.
Turn it around, and his diaperness would be cracking jokes about how a little cut on the ear never hurt anybody and that the sniper must have been a loser, but only because he missed.
I know it’s an overgeneralization, but that does seem like the one job that needs a forced exit when a presidential candidate is shot on your watch…
Upvote because of OP’s name