- Trump and his supporters are slamming Joe Biden for quitting the race and endorsing Kamala Harris.
- Some members of MAGA world are bemoaning the millions of dollars spent running against Joe Biden.
- Biden’s withdrawal also means Trump is now the oldest candidate in the presidential race.
They aren’t going to sue. They are going to start shooting. They’ve outright stated that. It’s crystal clear: they’ve said that the revolution would be “bloodless” only if the left “allowed” it to be. I really wanted to live long enough to build a family,.
You missed what Johnson said this morning. He says it’s “unlawful” in some states. (Which is not true in the slightest and they know it)
How much you want to bet that this only will be “unlawful” in red governmental shithole states
He’s basically giving a dog whistle to maggot judges to hold the line for the fascist party’s interest if these “challenges” come to them.
Edit: fixed for feels being hurt / jimmies rustled
Some of us live in those red shitholes. Send help. Please.
The only nice thing about those red shitholes is that it’s stupidly easy to get a gun. Get one. Join your local chapter of the SRA. Train at the local range at least twice a month so that you are proficient with it. Learn all the local stand your ground laws. Memorize them. When they start shooting, aim center mass.
While a pistol is far more portable, it requires far more training, as the lower mass of the firearm results in a larger than expected kick. Shotguns are really the weapon of choice for urban defense.
I personally have a couple of extremely nice sniper crossbows, that are basically silent. Seriously, the bolt impacting my target makes more noise than the bow. A couple of T-33s, an AA-12, and a 30-06. Lots of ammo too.
Learning how to reload your ammo is also invaluable, should they start shooting. Have a “riot shield,” basically the largest piece of steel you can easily carry that is more than 2" thick. Body armor is also a useful investment.
I find it turns my stomach at the thought of training at a gun range with people who would rather shoot me in the head than tell me the time of day. That’s the kind of gun fetishists who live in the area I’m at.
Not that I’m advocating for training with intent cause there’s far too much gun violence as it is, but if you are in a gun range and training to use a gun, the wack jobs are all going to assume you are one of them. They really believe that liberals are scared of guns and wouldn’t dare to own one. Much less train to use one.
I’m all about most of what you said, but nobody anywhere is carrying a steel shield 2" thick.
Carry isn’t the right word here. I have a 6’ x 2’ x 2" piece of steel that I mounted on a stand and wheels. It’s technically mobile in that I can move the thing with effort. It is bulletproof though. I have tested it against AP rounds.
I don’t take it with me on protests, it sits in my house in one of the most defensable positions in the house.
Yeah the thing weighs about half a ton.
My dude, that is some mall ninja shit.
Speaking from experience, SRA in central FL/ Orlando is useless. Paid $35 to be put into the Jacksonville SRA and got a link to an inactive discord channel.
I’m all ears for a viable alternative until I get out to Colorado.
A 1 square foot, 2 inch steel plate is 81lbs. Ain’t nobody carrying armor like that.
Carry isn’t the right word here. I have one that is 12 sq feet, it is “mobile” in that it has wheels and a stand. I can barely move the thing around, but it is certainly bulletproof. I e tested it against AP rounds. Yes the thing weighs about half a ton.
How is it unlawful? The candidate hasn’t even been formally selected yet.
Exactly. It’s not. And they know it. The fact they’re trying to run to their judges means they are scared.
It’s not. They’re consistently full of shit.
Can we try not to talk like Trump? No state as a whole is a shit hole full of shit hole people, those kinds of statements reek of elitism and it’s not a good look.
I live in Oklahoma. It is a shithole. I live in a shithole state.