I guess you weren’t able to find a reason to spin this story into a way for you to tell people to not vote for Biden so you don’t think it belongs here.
if you find no correlation between the religious leaders we have like Catholic Biden and the boots we are stomped under that is on you
when enough people have their lives upended by something they do not even believe in maybe the country will change but until then progress is strangled by religion
only pointing out the boring dystopia of living in a Christian ruled country
another wrongly posted article
should be in [email protected]
It can be both
I guess you weren’t able to find a reason to spin this story into a way for you to tell people to not vote for Biden so you don’t think it belongs here.
if you find no correlation between the religious leaders we have like Catholic Biden and the boots we are stomped under that is on you
when enough people have their lives upended by something they do not even believe in maybe the country will change but until then progress is strangled by religion
only pointing out the boring dystopia of living in a Christian ruled country
Oh look, you found a way.
go further with a both sides take
both Vance and Biden are flaming Catholics and both heavily defend Catholic Christian values
every sperm is sacred
The important thing is that you’ve found another way to help bring about a dictatorship and a genocide of queer people.
(Yes, I know, it’s Biden’s fault that you’re doing everything you can to ensure that.)
Why haven’t you crossposted it there then?
Done, you could have done so as well 2 hours ago instead of just pointing out that it was not…
I’m only curious why didn’t, I think it’s fine only posted here