Also impressed by their indoor plumbing and magic screens with tiny people talking!
Think most Russians are impressed with indoor plumbing too
I’m actually a huge fan of it myself.
The bar is pretty low.
If my airforce was comprised in bulk of early to mid era cold war museum pieces with a (very) small handful of late cold war era jets as my flagship units then I would be impressed with anything developed after 1991 as well.
I mean, that’s fair enough in itself. There’s plenty of nations out there still rocking their Falcons, Flankers, Frogfoots, Frogger, Tornados, Mirages etc etc completely respectedly. But they also allow their pilots more stick time in half a year than the vast majority of NK’s pilots get in half a decade.
Russia can’t even afford to buy their own technology, North Korea can’t either.
Just wait until he sees what the US has.
Russia’s gonna be trading rocket technology for low grade artillery from 50+ years ago.
Oh, I bet he was
Yeah I remember their fighter jets flying into Ukraine with a TomTok GPS somebody dropped off at a Salvation Army store in New Jersey before some Igor bought it and FedEx’d it back to Siberia. So impressive.