Assuming you mean the actual Soviet Union, Chernobyl was incredibly well-done.
Where can I watch that?
Edit: found it, spank you very much. :)
Edit3: why did they kill the dogs? Radioactive?
Yeah that’s why they had to put down the dogs
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Wholeheartedly second Chernobyl. It’s an amazing show.
It shows the party dynamics of the decision making process for disaster response and the infighting that results really well. Not too much everyday life stuff but there is a bit.
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The Witness (A tanú in Hungarian) is a fantastic satire film about the life of the common man under Soviet socialism. It’s required viewing for our literature classes. Watching it before learning more about the Soviet Union and Europe, and after, you pick up on completely different nuances of life at the time.
I’ve been meaning to watch it for years, thanks for reminding me. I watched half of it when I was a kid but didn’t really understand it yet.
Can I ask where you’re from that it’s a requirement in school? Or was it only in your school?
How to access this movie? It’s not even listed in IMDb
Might depend what you mean by ‘things’, there’s Chinese reality tv shows with English subs, an interesting one which got popular last year was about a local police station.
It was bizarre because it had cutesy graphics and sound effects overlaid with a guy being questioned for sexual assault of a minor
Thats sounds…crazy. Any links?
Search ‘The Guardians of Jiefangxi’ or ‘Guarding Jiefangxi’ on the usual streaming sites and you should find it
Thank you for bringing much honor to my question
There are quite a few documentaries about North Korea, they’re not that hard to find, and they really amaze you when you watch them.
Yes, but North Korea is something else. Cuba should be more representative of what the Soviet block was like.
The Lives of Others is a movie about life under surveillance in the DDR. Maybe not quite what you asked, but it’s very well made
If you want a fairly recent on the group English perspective then check out the YouTuber Bald and Bankrupt. China is harder as most YouTubers there are paid propaganda. Maybe check out YouTubers laowhy86 and serpentza as they lived in China for over a decade and then had to run. Interesting takes for all 3 above. What I find most interesting is that most of their criticisms can also be levied on their home countries if you can get past the fog.
I don’t even mind like actual footage that serves as CCP propoganda or or if theres a reenactment type show like how the Sopranos obviously isn’t a recording of a real mafia gang, but rather so close that actual gangsters wondered who talked, aha.
A day in the life of Ivan Denisovich
Its a movie based on a book by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, about a man in a russian gulag. You can find it on Youtube.
No commentary, just video providing a glimpse into a collapsing Soviet Russia.
A good documentary, on the USSR though not modern Russia, is The Human Face of Russia. You can find it on YouTube. It’s Australian as well so it’s interesting seeing a look into the Soviet Union from the point of view of a country that is aligned with the US but without so much Red Scare propaganda.
Eh, it’s heavily dramatized and was recorded in English but HBO’s Chernobyl miniseries might be worth checking out if you’re interested in things like one-party rule and conspiracies in authoritarian regimes.
TIL China is a one-party system with English subs
The Americans maybe? Although in USA but shows few things about USSR.
For a fictional world check out Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.