This is how Arch Linux users look when they tell me they use Arch (they use Arch BTW).
I use NixOS btw
I use Arch btw.
I think he’s just cosplaying as carbon dioxide.
The real question is what does his DAC look like?
he’s got big DAC energy
I bet he’s got an impressive stack of Schitt
Doesn’t use one. He just move the quill of an extinct species of porcupine through the grooves of a record, and his brain interprets the sound automatically. He’s actually deaf otherwise.
Looks like one of the Boys of Silence from BioShock Infinite
Steve Jobs’s younger brother, Odd.
Steve Globs
Is that pronounced like jlobs?
Now I’m curious, what is this?
Looks like a stand user…
I would be afraid of wearing any high-end headphones in public, as they can be stolen so easily off of one’s head.
thats why you put some dangly duct tape on
Not that easy if it has a cable.
But also pretty much all of us have phones that cost more than high-end headphones, just as easy to pick out of your hands.
I can’t imagine living in such a horrible society and thinking like that all the time
I suppose it’s normal for third world countries though
try Oakland for example.
Yes! Is that Steve Jobs? I time I heard about him, he had died! But I see he is growing some of that hair back! Good for him!
I think that’s James richeson, a performance artist on instagram
Not only are audiophiles walking around hallucinating audio quality, but now they’re also making me feel like I’m fucking hallucinating when I have to look at them.
Yeah fuck me for enjoying music, right?
It’s a joke my guy…