You are trying to get us to vote for the duopoly, but I am most likely voting for a third party.
Green Party for the long-term goal of breaking the two-party system.
Do not forget my mantra:
We should focus our actions, time, and resources on Direct Action, Mutual Aid, and Community Outreach. If you do engage in Electoral Politics do not support the Duopoly (Red or Blue Team). No War but Class War!
Dozens of us will be voting 3rd party.
For Trump, you mean. You’re voting to get Trump elected. So lie to yourself if you like, but you’re voting for Trump.
Nice try!
You are trying to get us to vote for the duopoly, but I am most likely voting for a third party.
Green Party for the long-term goal of breaking the two-party system.
Do not forget my mantra: