“Gaming chairs” are a fucking scam. They’ll either fall apart after a few months of use, or cost their weight in gold. Buy an office chair instead.
Used office chair from some company that’s just replacing all their furniture, you can score $1500 chairs for a few hundred.
I bought my Steelcase Leap V1 from a guy who did just that - bought chairs from office sales, replaced bad cushions, cleaned and greased them up, then resold them out of his garage. Bought mine early pandemic. Still feels as good as when I bought it.
Waaaay long time ago one of my school friends was both a videogame junkie and car guy. This was before ‘gaming chairs’ were really a thing, but his solution was to hit a scrap yard and salvage the most comfortable seat he could find from a junked car. He mounted that onto an office chair swivel base.
To date, the most comfortable “gaming” / office chair my butt has ever had the privilege to occupy.
I have no idea what a car seat would cost from a scrap yard, but if your the tinkery type and looking for a new project…
I’ve been thinking about doing this because I have a herniated lumbar disk and every seat hurts except the seat in my truck. Hopefully this it a temporary situation but it is insanely comfortable, maybe worth it.
Worse case scenario, your back still hurts but you have an insanely comfortable computer chair!
Well… not really. Actual worse case is it fucks up your back even more. I also have a herniated disc, and I can say a lot of the things that make it feel better temporarily are making it worse in the long run. Taking pressure off of it with comfy chairs or braces etc feels good, but that pressure is what keeps your back muscles toned, which are what -should- be taking pressure off the spine. So, the more you rely on short term fixes, the more you’ll become dependent on them.
I’d honestly talk to your doc about it - if you’re not already seeing a physical therapist, get a referral. They can hook you up with some exercises to keep things manageable; and that’d be the person to run any abnormal seating plans by.
Fo sho. My buddy bought one and talked it up. I tried it out as I was interested in a new chair since my work from home ability had recently increased from 25% to 50% arouns 2018. My broke ass 10+ year old chair from college was wayyy more comfortable. Invested in a ~$250 office chair after that. Have had it for 5 years, work from home 75% of the time, amazingly comfortable and it still looks like new.
This is true. Gaming chairs are a scam. They’re made in China and sold in bulk to wholesalers for $40 who mark them up and sell them for $600. I have one and hate it, it’s hard as a rock and not adjustable.
a good office chair is a fraction of the price, more comfortable and will last far longer.
If you have a four-year scholarship, for God’s sake, make sure you graduate in four years!
Or, as I did, don’t drop a class mid-term because it’s not going well and end up sliding into part-time status. Poof, scholarship gone. I woulda been better off taking the F.
was hanging out with friends getting some drinks, we decided to walk through our old campus.
there was a roof I always used to climb up while in college to chill on, so I did that.
after finished, while hopped up on liquid courage, I decided to jump down.
did so and shattered my heel.
spent the entire summer immobile and required a surgery that ended up costing me about $5k out of pocket.
have mostly recovered now, but it’s still not as good as the other foot, and I know it’s going to hurt like hell when i’m old.
don’t be like me, don’t do stupid shit while drunk.
Alcohol. The cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems.
-Homer J Simpson
Damn bunch cynical people saying don’t get married. Maybe don’t get married to someone unless you’re sure, and get a prenuptial. There are advantages, legal and financially, of being married.
Everyone tends to extrapolate from their own experiences. My wife and I got married about a month after we met, for complicated reasons. We’ve been married for just over 20 years now. Mostly very happily! I don’t recommend our path to anyone, but the fact is that you just never know.
Before buying your fitst home:
- bring someone with more experience than you to have a look at it, maybe even a professional
- scout out the area (on foot) during the day, evening and night
- visit local businesses like cafés, restaurants, bakeries etc.
- look at statistics like crime and air quality
- have a talk with the neighbors, get a sense of the community if you can, otherwise just observe while taking walks
- if applicable, call the home owner’s representative (or whatever the equivalent is where you live), ask them about the home, neighborhood, community, expenses, plans for the future etc.
- have a set budget of how much you want to spend on it before you move in, don’t overstep that amount
Art school isn’t worth it, period. I got a far better art education through my local community college by far, from instructors who weren’t incrediblely stuck up and full of themselves.
That was an 80k expense that I’m still paying off almost 20 years later, and I didn’t even finish my degree.
I went back to get my AS at a CC and took some art classes there. 10/10, far better instruction for a fraction of the price.
When I was a student I kept my books beside my bed on the floor. Got hammered one night, went to bed, felt sick and ended up being sick on all of my books on the floor. Probably about £500 worth of books which is a lot when you’re a broke ass student.
As an IT-worker, it’s not uncommon to test technology and scrap it due to bad results or unfit implementation. Usually this isn’t considered a waste, since there are a lot of things to learn in the process.
However, this one system which was designed for testing applications was a bit different. From the day we were told about it, basically every developer knew that this would be unfit. However the customers were firm on that it should be implemented. I’m not sure if it was because of the looks of the sales person or if it was a genuine incompetense that the decission was landed, but I felt a bit too junior to stand up against it. So about a month of work with 2 developers went down on something that every other developer knew would be scrapped. 2 devs at ~$100/hour, 4 weeks of 40 hours, so roughly $32,000.
The lesson was that I need to be more direct and firm when things like that is decided.
Don’t invest in crypto.
Don’t buy salvaged vehicles unless you are dead sure you gonna keep it for life. And don’t cotumise it if you intend not loosing that money. I’ve bought my Harely salvaged 10 years ago, put a lot of work and money on that. Now I want to sell it and I just can’t, even taking a 20% loss on the market price. And that is without adding the parts money I’ve spent. Bike original goes for 40K. I’ve put around 12K on parts and upgrades. I’m asking 32K and can’t sell it. Furthermore, the dealership don’t accept that bike on a trade cause of the salvage mark it has.
Frame swap it.
The VIN is on the frame. If you swap it to a new frame that doesn’t have a salvage title, it’s not the same vehicle anymore. You need to make sure you get a clean title with the new frame, but that’s actually not as hard as it sounds.
There are also ways to launder rebuilt vehicles. Some states don’t track rebuilt title, and will give you a clean title (but a digital check will reveal that it’s rebuilt)
Whasing it is Highly illegal where I live. Furthermore, it’s extremely unethical. I’d not like to buy a vehicle that was salvage without knowing it previously.
Changing frames would be OK, but I’m pretty sure that a new legal frame in good shape plus documentation and labor swaping it would be more expensive than the amount of money I’d be able to recover upon selling.
Oh you have to do the swap yourself. On an older bike it’s a day or two. Newer bike, twice that. Just look for bikes for sale with blown engines etc.
Explain salvaged vehicles to me pls.
The insurance will figure a value for your car if it’s been involved in an accident, stolen, or gets damaged by some crazy storm or something. They use the cars age and mileage to figure this out. If the appraiser looks at the damage and sees that fixing it (parts and labor and paint) is going to cost more than the value they gave it…well then it is totaled.
A totaled car will retained by the insurance company and they pay you out according to your policy.
Those totaled cars can be sold for a residual value (see copart.com). And be built back up and driven. But the title is now branded as a salvaged vehicle. Anyone who buys a totaled car will get a branded title either salvage, flood title, idk what all different states have for the name of it. That branded title is tied to the vehicle by its vin number forever. That’s why you see the commenters saying they should frame swap the motorcycle to get a different vin number on it.
Salvage vehicles are those that wore at some point Involved in some kind of accident that has inflicted considerable damage to it. It has different degrees of damage, going from minor to severe. Although the vehicles are able been repaired to it’s full functionality and safety, they’ll have it’s documentation marked as salvage forever. Mine was marked as minor damages, I got it already repaired, if one is curious.
Anything that’s been damaged past where insurance would pay to have it fixed. Water damaged/flooded vehicles, frame damage etc. Serious damage that was more costly than insurance wanted to deal with.
It’s pretty well known not to touch one. Which is why this person is having trouble unloading it.
Not to buy a game’s merchandise from the other side of the world (shipping price was around the same price if not more expensive than the product itself)
All my friends know: The moment I get a zombie apocalypse or similar confirmed, I’m ransacking and then burning down the customs building. They’re criminals and I want them to die first with the fall of society
I was in vacation in Japan. We ended our trip in Tokyo because my partner and I are into gaming and I knew we’d buy stuff. One thing we bought was bigger and a bit of a hassle to pack. I wondered how much it would have been if I had bought it online and shipped it. Turns out I lot of the newer stuff we bought we could have bought from Amazon Japan and shipped directly home for a reasonable rate (probably less than the cost of the overpriced duffle bag we bought).
Always wear a condom. Never get married.
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College only makes sense economically if you have a plan.
If you’re a naive, idealistic, scatterbrained, autistic, traumatized, brainiac redneck raised into terrible character by a spineless single parent who drove off the good one, like I was, then your best bet after high school is some entry level job, heath insurance, and therapy for a few years.
I had an emotional system the equivalent of a broken pair of legs. I basically signed up for a walking journey with broken legs, because (a) I had no conception of what the “legs” were that carry a person through college successfully, and (b) I had no idea they could be broken, and © I had no idea mine were broken.
I was like “sweet! big journey!” and the kids from healthier backgrounds and I got along fine, and they got their shit done and I mostly tore my hair out and cried and took super long walks and experimented with drugs. I had been led to believe that the journey through life was like driving through a country. I didn’t realize that traveling in this journey meant transforming the self. I had no conception of self transformation as an aspect of life, of directed growth, of evolving consciously. All I had was this feeling that life was like a river and I was kayaking down it seeing new stuff.
I don’t really know how to say what the lesson was. It was the most expensive lesson I ever learned, because not only did it cost me a huge amount of money, it also cost me about twenty years of my life.
I have similar experience with you, and boy do I waste so much money on that. Wish I could afford therapy, because managing myself emotionally was a long, expensive and heartbreaking experience I wish I could skip over.
The legal system.
After having 3500 dollars worth of stuff stolen by my shit landlord. I went to court. Again And again And again And again.
Not accounting for my time, gas, parking, I spent over 5000.amd even after I “won” I still wound up goj back to court several times because this scum sucking asshole claims to be 100000 in debt to the government.
I hate the legal system more then I hate the guy who stole from me!
Do not trust financial advisors when they live from the contracts they sell. (Most do, don’t trust them).
They work for their own interest or for that of their employer, yours is only second to theirs.
Do you have any recommendations of who to trust? I’m in a good place in my career but mostly do everything myself. It’s very basic stuff but I think I could be doing better. I just don’t know what the next step is.
Their general advice about diversification is not wrong, but the products they sell are in my experience not good.
Where to get better products? Do the legwork, understand how the cost is structured and what the goals and risks of a product are, where you save or pay taxes, and then become frustrated, get a depot and buy a cheap world ETF.
You need to use financial advisors that are registered fiduciaries. That is a legal term which binds the advisor to work in your best interest.