People consider vegans on Lemmy as too preachy. Even in vegan communities here, mods have to remove soooo many inappropriate comments (I read a few of these and they keep getting removed for good reasons). Comments that suggest going vegan on posts about animal abuse are downvoted.
At the same time, whenever there is something about Windows or Chromium based browsers, people here are doing exactly the same. “Just use Linux/Firefox/whatever”.
Go vegan.
Use public transport.
Reject flying.
Punch Nazis.
With “use Firefox” people tend to interpret as “try this thing instead, it’s better or will do the thing you’re looking to do”
With “go vegan” people tend to interpret it as “you’re doing something wrong and need to change your habits”.
Essentially, one is seen as a suggestion and the other an attack.
People don’t really love chrome, but they do love meat. Go vegan suggests we get rid of something we love.
Use Vegan Fox.
Is using a vegan fox, vegan?
That depends on what precisely you mean by “use”, buddy.
Go Fire.
You are in the fedi, a fringe social space generally uses by IT focused people. People love their linux here because these instances are probably all hosted on Linux. People are here because they left traditional social media.
I’m not saying veganism isn’t welcome here. You just have a ton of tech people here. If reddit tried to ban vegans instead of punch advertising down people’s throats you would have more vegans instead of people who use Firefox.
Because meat tastes good, and browsers don’t taste like anything?
Find a thread where someone is looking for a piece of FOSS software and someone comes in saying “I’ve tried all the FOSS projects, but I find X [paid or not open source] just works better for me” and you will see the reaction you want to see.
Like vegans, FOSS people are a minority community with stiff moral stances and they hold their beliefs for very specific personal reasons. To the FOSS people, suggesting they use closed software is likely the same as when people tell you that you must not be getting enough Vitamin B or whatever because you don’t eat meat.
As someone non-vegan and not overly concerned about FOSS, I’ve had guys and bad interactions with both groups. I’ve had bad reactions when I’ve suggested free but closed source solutions and gotten bad reactions in return, and I’ve shared things with vegans who liked my original things I’ve shared about meat and dairy alternatives and their opinion of me changes when they learn I hunt for food.
People get defensive when you either question their morality or people question your morality. We can attempt to understand others’ actions and beliefs, but we truly only understand our own, and that can make us all act out irrationally. It can be hard to not try to show others why you made your personal moral decisions, and it’s fine to try to share or teach others your values, but there’s a fine line between sharing beliefs and getting pushy about it, and it’s different for everyone.
Downloading firefox is easy.
Wish I could download a chili sin carne
The decades of propaganda about veganism by the meat and dairy industry is deeply embedded in cultures at this point, conservative culture especially.
People have been trained so thoroughly that they literally have a visceral, irrational response to the word veganism. It’s been made impossible to actually talk about in a coherent way with most people, and lemmy has a lot of redditor refugees who carry that kind of thing with them.
This is a good answer. Too bad people are downvoting it for the reasons mentioned.
Because on here, just like on Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit, people want to feel self superior without actually interrogating their own behavior.
Can you link to some examples of comments that got downvoted unfairly in your opinion?
Because nobody is calling you a murderer and rapist for using chrome, they’re just calling you “spied on.”