If I have a home server connected to Proton Drive for example, would that be sufficient to back up my data?
The common wisdom about backups is the 3-2-1 backup strategy, which recommends:
- 3 total copies of your data, including your original or “production” data
- 2 different forms of media
- 1 off-site copy
Proton Drive can be a decent off-site backup, but it would be a good idea to make a separate backup of your data on a different form of media like an external hard drive, just in case Proton Drive goes down, or the data there gets corrupted and you need to restore a known good version.
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Since my current data store isn’t massive at the moment, if I have a fire (and I’m home), part of my plan is to grab my NAS on the way out.
But I still have off-site backup (and a local duplicate of my data).
Just always keep in mind that you might not be home and that this might not be your priority in the heat of the moment (no pun intended).
But I still have off-site backup
I also have extensive emergency planning that’s documented and practiced. I know what’s valuable, and what isn’t. Valuable stuff is already protected or planned for, not stuff I need to grab.
If I needed to leave, right now, I’d be out the door in under 5 minutes and have 3 day’s supply of food and water (with a compact cook kit), a week of clothes including cold-weather gear, phone chargers, batteries, flashlights, blankets, spare sunglasses, medicines, first aid kit, a small tool kit, spare glasses, etc, etc. And this list of stuff is documented.
Grabbing my little 5lb NAS is a trivial add-on that was only added to the list once everything else was organized. And it has its own bag, only need the NAS and power supply. I’ve added a handle to it (mostly to make it easy to move around), and everything has large, clear labels (no guessing which power supply goes with what device).
You guys have backups?
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Acceptable for what? What do you, personally, consider an acceptable amount of loss, and time and money spent on recovery?
I don’t have any life-or-death critical data, so I have one local backup in case I corrupt my server again. If my house has a fire or flood, or lightning strikes and fries everything, or my stuff gets stolen, that loss is acceptable to me.
Would that be sufficient
Three copies; your working copy, and a cloud copy, and (as an example) on and external HD that you keep at a friend’s house….
On two separate media… so yes cloud can cover that
One off site. So yeah cloud covers that.
Encryption on your off site copies. Yeah I don’t care if they are Linux ISOs or your grandmas recipes. ENCRYPTED
Thanks for coming to my TED talk
This is a tough one. The problem with local only backups is, what if there’s a fire?
I use Amazon Glacier to store my pictures. It’s $0.0036 / GB per month, so I pay less than $2/month for ~535 GB of storage that I’m using right now. There is also a cost for downloading, but if I need it, I’m going to be happy to pay it (and the costs aren’t crazy). Uploads are free.
(The other problem with Glacier is that it’s not really an end-user-friendly experience, nor is it something easily automated. I use SimpleAmazonGlacierUploader, a Java program someone wrote, to do it. You can also upload to S3 and have it archive things to Glacier automatically - I’ve never tried this but it should work.)
I considered getting my brother or a friend to build two storage servers (with RAID5 or something) that we’d each keep at home, and just sync to each other. Good if you have a friend or family member willing to do it (or at least host your offsite box). Down sides: Cost to build it, time to build and maintain it, cost to replace things that break, plus cost for electricity. I’ve been using Glacier for many years, so by now maybe I would have spent less on that theoretical backup system, but I also did not have to worry about it.
Why not S3 Glacier Deep Archive?
I use it for that exact same use case.
Because I didn’t know it existed until now. :) I’ll have to look into that, thanks.
That depends on if you trust them. Also, would this be your only backup?
I use backblaze b2 for my storage. I use restic to backup everything to it. It works well and I’ve had it going for YEARS at this point. For things I could never replaced, like photos, I use external drives in addition to B2. Everyone knows that if something happens and we need to leave to just grab the drive that is stuck to the wall and the family photos will be safe.
My though process goes like this, everything backups to my home server. I have snap shots of the data on a normal basis. So if I need to get something back, going to a snap shot is pretty simple. If for some reason my server(s) just stopped existing for some reason I could pull it back from B2. I’ve only had to actually restore from B2 a handful of times and it was worth it.