Whoever added the citations to this is doing extremely important work. It needs to be finished though.
Be the change you want to see in the world
These kinds of projects are good for crowd sourcing. Nobody has read all 900 pages, and watched all the speeches and read all the articles, etc etc. But the community taken together, can. Or at least come much closer anyway.
Except that those page numbers don’t all seem to match those statements.
Yeah, it’ll be important to check the work.
What does pg mean?
How is continue to pack the supreme court “happening rn”? I wish Biden was doing that but…
Assuming the poster meant “Get SCOTUS to engage in our fuckery”
Meaning federalist society continue to pack in next republican term… They are at least kavanaugh, gorsuch and barret - and leonard leo facilitates thomas’s date night weekend getaways +++ with the billionaire oligarch.
I’ve been skimming through the listed page numbers so maybe I missed it but where in pg 545-581 does it talk about “[ending] marriage equality”? That whole section seems to be talking about the FBI and DOJ
Are you going by the page numbers on the pdf file, or at the bottom of the page? There’s several blank pages so they don’t match up
I’ve been trying actual page numbers since those are what matched up at first
Edit: I haven’t extensively gone through it all yet. Are they mixed between page numbers and pdf page numbers?
Not sure, I’m going to dig through it some more later.
I will say this guide cites page 449 a few times but I didn’t see where it actually says any of the stuff in the guide on page 449. I haven’t fully read it yet.
This is what’s killing me. When our ‘news’ turns out to look like propaganda, it hurts our cause. There is enough bad. It doesn’t need to be exaggerated.
Exactly this. If the pages listed do not support the claims it helps Trump in the end.
What the fuck, people are JUST NOW hearing about this??
You’d be surprised at just how little the average voter knows about politics. There’s a reason a lot of people wish politics would go back to being boring and not something everyone talked about.
Indeed. Pretty much everyone I know over the age of 50 gets all of their news from Fox/CNN and maybe facebook. They’re oblivious and make up the majority of the people that actually go and vote.
deleted by creator
A couple days ago, new evidence came out about Trump’s pedophilia. I have yet to hear about it in mainstream media.
Jane Doe vs Trump & Epstein. All of the corroborating depositions are out there. Nobody cares for some reason.
Afaik, it’s not really that clear.
I mean, it’s pretty clear Trump was very close with Epstein, and that already paints a very bad picture, but it seems like the whole Jane Doe case never got anywhere, and no one is sure she even exists.
The fox news affect. My mother thought all of these policies were coming from democrats, for some fucking reason
Never underestimate how uninformed people are.
Plenty of them are informed, and DGAF.
Tribalism and decades right wing propaganda mean that they’ll vote for anyone on the GOP ticket, even when they are clearly terrible and debatably conservative.
I was so naive so as to think there was no way we’d elect Trump.
Now I just assume we’ll do the dumbest thing on offer.
Trump got too many votes in 2016, and even more than that in 2020, and you’re surprised at how uninformed American voters are?
Please, weaponize this! I know the last place you want to go is a Fox News comment section or FB posts but these people need to see how they will be personally affected too.
Weaponize the cuts to social security and medicare as much as you can. Yes, lots of conservatives are a lot cause. But I’m not asking you to reach them on the moral issues, I’m asking to get them rightfully scared of losing social security and medicare/medicaid. Make it personal.
“trump world” sounds like the most disappointing and predatory theme park ever.
Sign: “You must be this ($$$) rich to ride this ride.”
If you are not rich, you may donate ($) to those more fortunate than you until God decides to make you rich!
“No shoes, no shirt, no common decency? No problem!”
the sequel to bush gardens
Bush Gardens was/is awesome, how dare you 😂
For Drumpf, it’s more of a sequel to Action Park (NJ)
Herpes free just by booking
Not at all (as long as you’re rich enough to bribe him and get served by his capers).
my job has me on i40 in Tennessee a good bit and there was a huge mega porn store off one of the exits
it has been shut down and reopened as a Mega MAGA Store
trump beat titties official the country is fucked
I think that store shut down because of a thing called the Internet
Project 2025 has been around for years. How have people not noticed it?
Because republican voters don’t pay attention to what their party is doing. They only know that trans bad, brown bad, gay bad
Or many republican voters do know about project 2025 and they like it.
There’s some of those, sure, but this shit like banning contraceptives, banning no fault divorce, attacking Medicare and social security-these are universally unpopular policies. That’s why trump is trying to pretend his campaign didn’t literally write this shit.
The conversations I’ve had in the Deep South with Republicans always boil down to: they have no idea.
I have found that the best way to argue with republicans is to tell them directly what they’re actually voting for, because they don’t know. They’re either dumb as shit, or they’re greedy and think democrats will raise taxes.
The positions that a lot of the trump supporters take up are whatever they all mutually agree are their positions, and/or whatever they are told is their position du jour… in other words, today they may say that they are pro one thing and con a different thing, but their loyalty is to the party, not to the merits of the positions they espouse.
The moment they were told that they no longer feared and hated Russia, they started saying “you know that Putin guy isn’t so bad after all”, as if the Cold War never happened, as if their perceived greatest enemy for the last 50 years wasn’t Russia and communism.
A lot of them hated Jews too until they were told that their side supports Israel.
It’s straight out of 1984… “We were always at war with Eastasia.”
They will easily adopt the project 2025 positions if that’s what their god emperor tells them to do.
A lot of them hated Jews too until they were told that their side supports Israel.
They still do hate Jews. They just consider Israel to be a convenient solution to their “Jew problem”. Not to mention that it’s the sort of ethnostate a lot of them would really like to create themselves.
It’s banning porn.
Might as well ban anti-depr… oh right they’re getting rid of Medicaid, so they basically are for me.
I wish i could talk to some. The few i know are work friends so i don’t want to go there with them. In the very few conversations we’ve had they try to talk about the economy/stock market.
I live in the South, you have people who actually study politics (Left Wingers), and Right Wingers who get told Democrats are “Just people from up North coming to take your fried chicken and make you drink chai tea out of a paper straw instead!” who “Can’t take a joke, cause they’re too busy putting men in little girl’s pp places” by Fox News
Luckily the second they actually get a fuck clue, they’re quick the switch sides. The problem is the older ones that are already set in their ways and only vote how the Baptist Church tells them to.
It’s a long manifesto. If you stop reading after 3 pages, it hit all the buttons of a usual Republican. The real crazy is spared for later.
Don’t forget helping the poor bad. I’m pretty sure they hate the poor more than any other category. They don’t help the poor, just like american jesus intended.
They don’t help the poor, just like american jesus intended.
Speaking if which:
Dont forget socialists,l - they’re after their money they might earn if they just worked harder or won the lottery.
Because on its surface it sounds like something the magas would make up.
If he is elected, they won’t keep trying to pretend that they are against these positions.
BS. This is exactly what Rump world wants. They love consolidation of power, Christian nationalism, and taking power away from non-white men. They are worried that centrist and moderate red voters will hear about it.
I’m sure they also love the part where social services are cut and retirement age increased!
That’s the kind of shit that will make someone rethink their choices.
Sadly my Right Wing friends insist it’s “Just the Heritage Foundation” and that the “REAL” GOP already rejects it
So naive…
No conservative voter thinks poorly of Project 2025. Every conservative in the U.S. is either fine with it or excited about it.
A conservative who pretends it’s not their platform is lying, either to placate you or to save face.
Every word uttered by a conservative is deception or manipulation, even when those words come from friends or family.
Actually Trump is shitting himself over Project 25 because Moderate Republicans don’t wanna give up their porn and condoms.
Right Wing
There’s a tough one right there.
I heard an NPR listening, CNN watching person tell me yesterday that the Heritage Foundation was conservative extremists and not to take them seriously.
I wouldn’t… if they weren’t the ones writing policy
They were proud of it up until not long ago, trusting to the ignorance of the “average American” about policy details. Then the Supreme Court ruling came.
They have a website.
He finally got the backlash for it.
The thing that pisses me off the most about Project 2025 is that there’s no Project 2029 from the left.
I heard everyone gets free donuts for life
Just learning what this is - and it honestly sets off my BS detector.
Seems like a great way to other people who support any kind if conservative position.
Not American though, so it’s hard to even tell if shit like this is real from the outside…
Our conservatives aren’t like conservatives elsewhere in the world. Our liberals are like your conservatives, policy wise.
Our conservatives are brainwashed by four decades of targeted conservative media that’s explicitly designed to keep them in an anger loop in order to create a political climate where republicans (who are the actual politicians) don’t have to appeal to the conservative base with actual policy.
Republicans, through channels like Fox News and OANN (seriously, go watch some of it and see what we’re dealing with here) have demonized everyone to the left of them so hard that entire generations of conservatives genuinely believe that there’s a bloody revolution coming.
It would be nice if it were actually bullshit, but these lunatics who make up half of our voting population put a con-man entertainer with zero political experience in the whitehouse for four years and installed conservative justices to our highest court who are systematically dismantling our democracy.
It’s very real. It’s so real that some of the less insane conservatives are waking up to how dangerous the details of this plan actually are, and that’s why Republicans are panicking about this.
The Heritage Foundation is wild, and one of the most significant public policy groups with deep ties to American conservatism. Basically, any crazy policy that the Republican party has taken on as a major party plank in the past 50 years has a distressing high chance of having its roots in Heritage’s recommendations.
For example, in 1981:
Among the 2,000 Heritage policy recommendations, approximately 60% of them were implemented or initiated by the end of Reagan’s first year in office.
Just wow 😳
It’s real.
It’s real