Can someone explain the fries part ? I understand this is in reference to an order someone would make at a fast food restaurant, but what is the link ? what does it suggest ?
The comedy is created by subversion of your expectation that college degreed people would not be working at a fast food place. The interaction is meant to be read initially as a neutral status interaction and then slides into a upper to lower status interaction as the post reveals that the answer to the implied question from the customer is that the cashier has an art degree. The initial humor is at the expense of the cashier. The next part of the joke reveals that the customer is, in fact, of true lower status of the two because they don’t understand the horror of a world that will result from devaluing those with art knowledge, exemplified in the joke as those with art degrees. The art degree here is a stand in for our capacity for human empathy and connection. What fools we would be without it. What greater fools could we become if we actively refused to cultivate it. We could become evil, and that fact, that true evil that can exist and we could have blindness to it or even become it, is the comedy here. The banality of the customer here, the interaction, the shittiness of it all, that is the comedy. How this helps, it was not generated in any way by AI and it’s fuckin sad that I have to say that.
Now that’s a sound meme interpretation. Do you have an art degree by any chance?
That all the arts degree will be good for is working in food service
There’s a piss stain that looks like the virgin Mary, you can study that for fweeeeeeeee
Art won’t make line go up. PRAISE LINE 🙏 NOTHING MATTERS BUT LINE!
If post modernism hadn’t eaten its own tail id have more sympathy.
Art is subjective, but for me being in a museum and going from Impressionism and post impressionism, and into a modern and post modern gallery is like a slap in the face.
In my experience, all I feel is it goes from beautiful paintings with high skill level used by artists to visually manipulate form and shape to create coherent but stylized images, to “check out this crushed oil drum, really makes you think huh?”
Really gives the impression of that feeling you get when a school project is due soon but you have no idea what to do and don’t particularly care to do it but know you have to do something if you don’t want to get a 0.
If u have to explain why your art is meaningful you have failed as an artist.
Lmao I went to art school. Used to hang at the state tech school tailgates across town because I like college football. Would always get this razz from my STEM buddies there but was mostly just fun. I actually cooked at a restaurant in town to pay for rent/beer money too haha.
Got sous and almost stayed in the industry after college but decided to go for it. Currently work in my art degree field. I make more than my STEM friends. Not that it matters really to me. Everyone should be able to earn a wage doing something they enjoy.
When I’m hungry, fuck them art majors. When I’m bored though, also fuck them art majors.