An officer in upstate New York shot and killed a teen fleeing while pointing a replica gun, police said Saturday.
Hey I’ll give them some credit with that headline.
Not “13-year-old killed in police shooting” or “a 13-year old died during a police interaction” etc. Nope, they fully went with “Police in New York shoot and kill 13-year-old.” Thank you, PBS.
Also -
The shooting happened Friday night after officers in Utica stopped two youths at around 10:18 p.m.
One of them fled and pointed what appeared to be a handgun at the officers, according to a statement by the Utica Police Department.
I’ll be interested to see when that footage is released and what it contains.
Watch it actually be 3 kids with Arizona Iced Teas and Skittles.
In a trench coat
“I’d rather kill 100 innocent kids than retreat from one dangerous criminal.” /s
Fuck if it doesn’t seem true.
“¿Por qué no los dos?” - Uvalde cops.
Shame he didn’t have a school to hide in
It would be funny if it weren’t so sad.
Yeah it stung me too lol
One of them fled and pointed what appeared to be a handgun at the officers, according to a statement by the Utica Police Department.
If the footage confirms this, it makes sense that the officer shot him. Don’t point guns or gun replicas at people.
But they were fleeing and pointed a gun at him? Either the reporting is shitty or it did not happen like the police say it happened.
You can run and point a gun backwards/shoot in their general direction.
Patsy Parisi over here.
And unless you’re some sort of trick shot marksman, you won’t be any danger to the cops.
I mean shooting randomly is always dangerous to someone. People get hit by stray bullets literally every day in america.
Dumb luck happens, plus could hit an innocent bystander. It’s honestly a shit situation all around.
This isn’t entirely accurate.
First, just because they’re only slightly less accurate than most cops… doesn’t mean they’re not able to get lucky.
Secondly, I’m reminded of an incident I saw security recordings of, from a guy running across a light rail platform (warehouse district in Minneapolis,) dude was spraying behind him. While running.
Missed all of the people he was aiming at, killed 4 people all the same.
ACAB, so I’m not saying the cops didn’t fuck up. (Or even plant the damn pellet gun…) but yeah. There’s a reason that’s the narrative.
Fleeing, and pointing a pellet gun? Not sure I buy the story, based on that alone.
The bystander video is shown here:
Video shows three cops chasing a suspect. The first cop tackles the kid and proceeds to punch him. The second cop run up with gun drawn and shots the kid in less than a second while the first cop is still busy wrestling.
IMHO, the 2nd cop’s shooting was incredibly unsafe since he was shooting a suspect wrestling another cop from less than 1 foot away. As far as I can tell, the cop basically ran up to the kid, put his gun to his head, and pulled the trigger. You can not tell from THIS video if there was a gun in the kids hand, but I can’t believe the first cop would not have tackled him if there was! There is no way this is a good shooting.
Your link is broken BTW.
Thank you. It should be fixed now.
If the police were also armed with pellet guns, this never would have happened.
The only way to stop a bad guy with pellets is a good guy with pellets.