I don’t think I particularly want a pointy sounding word for vulva because I don’t think of vulvas as pointy. I was just curious why you want a pointy word rather than a round one.
No word feels great which is pretty sad considering how many child-friendly euphemisms there are for a penis. With my daughter we try to emulate the same vibe as ‘willy’ combined with some anatomical accuracy by using the word ‘vulvy’. Sounds gross to many, makes sense to others. Your mileage may vary haha.
I think if he referred to it as her little pussy or cunny it would make it significantly worse.
That’s more adult slang for vagina. Little kid euphemism would be something like hooha or twinkle.
Man saying that to another man is still questionable. Still sounds like he’s lending his child out for drugs.
vomiting intensifies
Are there people seriously calling vagoos as hoohas
You call called them vagoos. I’m not sure you have much room to judge.
I’d say coochie but that one makes them sound less pointy
Why do you think of vulvas as pointy?
The characters sound. I don’t know what you mean
I don’t think I particularly want a pointy sounding word for vulva because I don’t think of vulvas as pointy. I was just curious why you want a pointy word rather than a round one.
Vagina does sound pointy, I thought we were talking about that
No word feels great which is pretty sad considering how many child-friendly euphemisms there are for a penis. With my daughter we try to emulate the same vibe as ‘willy’ combined with some anatomical accuracy by using the word ‘vulvy’. Sounds gross to many, makes sense to others. Your mileage may vary haha.
In the UK, we call it a minnie for girls. Willy for boys.
Nope, not better.