• andrewta@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Article is a little light on facts. The author should have looked into whether or not the other tenant was actually a squatter or not. We only know at this point she is an alleged squatter from a tenants statement. Why not check with the landlord to get the facts? Why not check with the other tenant to ask if she is a squatter?

    But let’s assume she actually is a squatter for sake of argument. I mean it’s a weird thing to allege.

    I dislike the gop. I dislike squatters. I dislike trespassers.

    Person a trespassed into the one side of the house in order to throw a spider.

    Person b is a squatter. (Again we don’t have info from the landlord (lazy reporting)).

    Everyone sucks in this article including the author of the article.

    • recapitated@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Dislike a squatter all you want. You’re not part of their due process, and you may not throw a tarantula at them. So, it’s irrelevant.

      I would also point out that if this happened it probably would not make the news here… Except for that the aggressor is a political candidate. That’s what makes it interesting, that this batshit MFer actually thinks the people deserve her. The squatter is not trying to represent you.