I think SCOTUS isn’t relevant anymore. If i were a state governor I would flat out refuse to abide by or use a guidance anything coming from this “court”.
The Supreme Court members who outed themselves as pro-corruption need to be given the 'Vote of No Confidence" treatment. Not just Kavanaugh, Alito, and Thomas, also remove the ones who quietly voted for post action bribes to be legal.
I think SCOTUS isn’t relevant anymore. If i were a state governor I would flat out refuse to abide by or use a guidance anything coming from this “court”.
The Supreme Court members who outed themselves as pro-corruption need to be given the 'Vote of No Confidence" treatment. Not just Kavanaugh, Alito, and Thomas, also remove the ones who quietly voted for post action bribes to be legal.
They’ve made their decision, now let them enforce it.