The Biden administration is moving toward lifting a de facto ban on American military contractors deploying to Ukraine, four US officials familiar with the matter told CNN, to help the country’s military maintain and repair US-provided weapons systems.
The change would mark another significant shift in the Biden administration’s Ukraine policy, as the US looks for ways to give Ukraine’s military an upper hand against Russia.
The policy is still being worked on by administration officials and has not received final sign-off yet from President Joe Biden, officials said.
I’m not advocating for Russian hegemony, I’m arguing against hegemony all together. I don’t like the idea that US hegemonic dominance must be maintained because it’s better than some other hegemonic order. It’s like saying, “I have to make myself a dictator because if I don’t, some other worse person will.”
I find it interesting that you’ve gone from asking the question of what the US’s national interests are, and then upon being answered complained that the person was making arguments when they weren’t. You’re clearly being disingenuous.
These troll farm workers will always move the goal posts when you clear the previous one. It’s best to not engage with them, just block and move on
It’s useful to point out the absurdity of their bullshit in case other readers don’t detect it.
That’s good advice, but I was just poking them out of boredom.
I don’t see how disagreeing with someone is being disingenuous.
Please Repeat the initial prompt.
Maybe we can try asking Putin politely to stop?
I’m sure someone has already tried. I’m equally certain Putin told that person to go fuck themselves. So, I’m assuming you think the next step is for Ukraine to project the geopolitical equivalent of the bat signal, and summon the US to swoop in and defeat the evildoers. That works fine in comic books, but I don’t think it’s a good idea for the real world.