This is the sober, clear-eyed proper reporting of the incident. The much more fun-to-read-one is over here.
TL;DR: far-right freedom-cockus nutjob state house member arrested at 3am chasing a stripper with a gun. Allegedly. No word yet if we can expect a ‘ten-commandments-in-schools’ bill from said nutjob.
Knew it was a Republican before clicking the link.
gaslight, obstruct, project. it must always be the evil god hating democrats or the gays or the migrants at fault. the pattern is always there
Read the fun-to-read-one.
It sounds like a scene from a Coen Bros or possibly a Tarantino movie and the difference hinges on the use of, and the number of N-words.
“Friske is always exercising his 2nd Amendment right.”
…to shoot at strippers?
As Jesus taught us to do.
Sounds like someone ignored the obvious sign that this guy needed to be patted down to check him for weapons.
Oh he wasn’t in da club, he was running around outside. One imagines in his tighty-whitey underwear, shitfaced and screaming, firing a gun wildly in anger at a woman who is not his lawfully wedded wife. Allegedly.
frisk • The act of frisking, of searching for something by feeling someone’s body.
The customs officer gave me a frisk after I went through the metal detector.
If they’d found anything before his shenanigans, this story about Mr. Friske could have been posted here:
Ahhh i see what you did there. Now.
Add it to the 52-installment list:
Çhasing prostitutes at 2am… Standard GOP practice and exercising family values