Iran-backed groups in the Middle East say thousands of their fighters are offering to come to Lebanon to join with the militant Hezbollah group in its battle with Israel.
There is a very real chance that Biden’s unquestioning support of Israel will lead to WW3.
Bibi knows whatever happens, Biden will always have his back. He can’t get that loyalty from any other US president, he’s counting on every other country recognizing that, but with the way Israel is acting they all assume Israel won’t stop with their current victims.
It’s stand together now, or watch each other fall slowly.
Look, I am just as anti-Trump as the rest of the sane voters but your arguments don’t do you or the Dems any favours whatsoever.
Biden is the one responsible for thousands of deaths in Gaza. He said he’s a self proclaimed Zionist, effectively saying that he supports the Israeli war on a personal level.
OP was right. Biden has been allowing this to go on and without US’ support, this would have ended long ago. And not only denying that what’s going on in Gaza isn’t a genocide, but flat out rejecting that there’s no famine, even when you’re able to count the ribs of children is pathetic.
So what was the solution? Biden should’ve said he won’t run for another term. It’s too late for that now and Dems may pay the price.
Biden really is going senile and he really isn’t fit to lead another 4 years. Yes, you absolutely can’t have Trump return, unless you want the US to become an autocratic dictatorship and spark a civil war, but letting Biden run with this much baggage is suicide. I’d be happy if Dems win, but let’s wake up and stop kidding ourselves. We should not be surprised if Trump wins. The Dems have never been this fragmented and we needed everyone to come together last time to beat Trump (and even then it wasn’t a landslide!)
If your best argument for Biden is that we can’t have Trump, then you’re just ignoring everyone else’s concerns about a guy who has presided over, and actively and consciously encouraged a genocide. It’s not enough this time to simply avoid Trump.
US bombs are constantly found among the corpses of women and children sheltering in tents. If Biden isn’t responsible then you’re as deluded as they come.
Also, I’m not “ignoring everyone else’s concerns”, I’m ignoring your concerns. Some random dude on the internet
I’ve realised I’m talking to a literal child. Grow up and take this seriously. I’m talking about the citizens of Gaza who are suffering here as a result of Biden’s insistence on supporting this war. I’m not interested in exchanging one liners with an internet goblin.
Just because one side is disadvantaged and losing doesn’t mean they deserve your support. Those women and children are dying because Hamas is sheltering among them. If you really want the carnage to stop, you should be pushing for Hamas’ complete surrender and the return of hostages. Otherwise, Israel is just going to keep killing. Is it sad? Is it unjust? Sure, I’d agree with you there. But it’s also a war, and people die in wars. How many German civilians were killed by American/British bomb raids in 1945? How many Japanese civilians were killed when atomic bombs were dropped on them? Unfortunately, war is messy and lots of people die
Between 300,000–600,000 German civilians and over 200,000 Japanese civilians were killed by allied bombing during the Second World War, most as a result of raids intentionally targeted against civilians themselves.
I’m asking if you believe no other president would support Israel more than Biden. US president? I don’t believe that. Israel doesn’t believe that. You might. There’s a lot of potential presidents in America.
I’m asking if you believe no other president would support Israel more than Biden
Pretty much every other president from either party has had to put Israel in place at least once during their time in office.
trump is corrupt enough to support anything, but he’s unreliable. If you need him his price keeps going up till you can’t afford him. No one can rely on trump, I feel like I won’t get push ack on that.
There’s a lot of potential presidents in America.
We’re not talking potential, we’re talking actual US Presidents, there’s a finate number of them…
“Give a fuck” and stop spreading right wing propaganda, you’re doing your best to create complacency trying to paint a picture that Joe Biden is some awful president. He’s not, and he is the only choice you have if you actually “give a fuck” about WW3 or Palestine or anything else
Biden is not the nominee yet and there is still time to run someone who not only has a better shot at beating trump. But would be better in office as well.
The DNC are the ones who set that date, they choose when someone becomes the nominee. If you think they should have set it earlier, remember Biden appointed Jamie Harrison to run it.
Pedantry is unbecoming. He will be the nominee, and he will be your only choice, if you actually give a fuck. Which you don’t, you’re more interested in spreading right wing propaganda about how “bad” Joe Biden is
Biden isn’t the “official nominee” yet but under DNC rules, the pledged delegates are essentially required to vote for the candidate their state selected in the first round. Only if no one has the required 1,968 pledged delegates in the first round does it go to a second round. At that point, 739 Superdelegates — party officials, basically — are allowed to vote and pledged delegates can switch to another candidate.
Biden currently has 3,894 pledged delegates. Second is Dean Phillips with 4. So, you’d basically have to convince thousands of Biden loyalists to change the party rules so they could vote for another candidate. And then, in the potential second round, convince the Superdelegates to also reject Biden.
That won’t happen unless he’s literally dead or incapacitated. Both primaries are over and the nominating conventions are a formality. It’d probably be easier to convince the electoral college to vote against the candidate that specifically chose them for their loyalty.
I do think he believes he’s the best shot against Trump. He’s a politician. Basically every elected official in DC or a governor’s mansion thinks they’d be the best presidential candidate ever. Plus, he already beat Trump once and (according to 538’s polling average) is slightly ahead nationally.
I didn’t support Biden in the 2020 primary and I’m not thrilled with a replay of 2020 but with everyone even older. But at this stage, Biden might be the best candidate. If he did step aside, the convention could easily divide the party and be a total disaster. Do they go with Kamala? A popular governor like Gavin Newsome or Gretchen Whitmer? Could the candidate even put together a campaign staff and raise the necessary cash in time to be a good candidate? They’re already booking TV ad time for September.
I mean, I don’t have an answer to those questions. Maybe voters would be like, “Thank god, someone under 75.” and it’d be a landslide. But it could just as easily be total chaos.
By “stand together,” OP means “stand together while we watch them march the trans people into concentration camps and this war happens regardless after Trump wins because we refuse to vote for Biden.”
You can stick your head in sand at the beach, but with climate change the tides may be unpredictable.
But I thought when I typed this:
It’s stand together now, or watch each other fall slowly
I thought it was clear I was talking about the countries unfortunate enough to share a border with a country ruled by a power hungry madman actively invading other countries.
With the way this is splitting, both sides are going to have at least one.
Geopolitically speaking, there’s no “good side” which I guess history is like when you’re unfortunate enough to live thru it.
I’m saying if Israel didn’t have unconditional support from America, they wouldn’t be causing so much drama.
They’re the bully that picks on kids when the teacher is in the room, knowing the teacher will always take their side.
Biden is the teacher letting it happen.
Except in this scenario the bullying is a fucking genocide.
And you’re blaming another kid for standing up to the bully, and can’t figure out why the teachers actions are a problem. Is it Biden’s fault Israel is a bully? No, but it’s his fault the bully gets to do whatever they want, and is acting like it
Of course it is. Israel is constantly bombing Lebanon and the only reason they are so confident in bullying Lebanon is Big Brother Biden is standing behind them. Not to mention the planes and the bombs being American.
Pretty sure every US president since Israel was invented has had to check Israel at some point.
Explain why you’re sure of this. American support for Israel is constant and extremely well entrenched. Every time the Israel PM shows up to Congress it turns into a contest to see who can suck his dick The most. The administration doesn’t matter. American support for Israel ranges from absolute material support with absolute political support, to absolute material support and only lukewarm political support. In both cases material support is unaffected.
There is a very real chance that Biden’s unquestioning support of Israel will lead to WW3.
Bibi knows whatever happens, Biden will always have his back. He can’t get that loyalty from any other US president, he’s counting on every other country recognizing that, but with the way Israel is acting they all assume Israel won’t stop with their current victims.
It’s stand together now, or watch each other fall slowly.
Removed by mod
Look, I am just as anti-Trump as the rest of the sane voters but your arguments don’t do you or the Dems any favours whatsoever.
Biden is the one responsible for thousands of deaths in Gaza. He said he’s a self proclaimed Zionist, effectively saying that he supports the Israeli war on a personal level.
OP was right. Biden has been allowing this to go on and without US’ support, this would have ended long ago. And not only denying that what’s going on in Gaza isn’t a genocide, but flat out rejecting that there’s no famine, even when you’re able to count the ribs of children is pathetic.
So what was the solution? Biden should’ve said he won’t run for another term. It’s too late for that now and Dems may pay the price.
Biden really is going senile and he really isn’t fit to lead another 4 years. Yes, you absolutely can’t have Trump return, unless you want the US to become an autocratic dictatorship and spark a civil war, but letting Biden run with this much baggage is suicide. I’d be happy if Dems win, but let’s wake up and stop kidding ourselves. We should not be surprised if Trump wins. The Dems have never been this fragmented and we needed everyone to come together last time to beat Trump (and even then it wasn’t a landslide!)
If your best argument for Biden is that we can’t have Trump, then you’re just ignoring everyone else’s concerns about a guy who has presided over, and actively and consciously encouraged a genocide. It’s not enough this time to simply avoid Trump.
Biden is not responsible for the war in Gaza. Full stop.
You need to stop reading and spreading right wing propaganda.
Also, I’m not “ignoring everyone else’s concerns”, I’m ignoring your concerns. Some random dude on the internet
The entire world agrees it’s a Genocide. The whole world also agrees that the US is an accomplice in the Genocide.
US bombs are constantly found among the corpses of women and children sheltering in tents. If Biden isn’t responsible then you’re as deluded as they come.
I’ve realised I’m talking to a literal child. Grow up and take this seriously. I’m talking about the citizens of Gaza who are suffering here as a result of Biden’s insistence on supporting this war. I’m not interested in exchanging one liners with an internet goblin.
Just because one side is disadvantaged and losing doesn’t mean they deserve your support. Those women and children are dying because Hamas is sheltering among them. If you really want the carnage to stop, you should be pushing for Hamas’ complete surrender and the return of hostages. Otherwise, Israel is just going to keep killing. Is it sad? Is it unjust? Sure, I’d agree with you there. But it’s also a war, and people die in wars. How many German civilians were killed by American/British bomb raids in 1945? How many Japanese civilians were killed when atomic bombs were dropped on them? Unfortunately, war is messy and lots of people die
Between 300,000–600,000 German civilians and over 200,000 Japanese civilians were killed by allied bombing during the Second World War, most as a result of raids intentionally targeted against civilians themselves.
How is this right wing propaganda? The right agree with Biden on this matter. When did the pro-Biden vote get ridiculously fascist?
“Joe Biden is causing WW3 OMG!!!” is definitely a right wing talking point. “No wars started under Trump, 2 wars started under Biden!!!” See?
The right would do the same as Biden. You lying about this matter is just pro-Biden propaganda.
Removed, civility.
Who’s disagreeing with you?
Your own quote: “[Netanyahu] can’t get that loyalty from any other US president”
Do you actually believe that statement to be true?
Biden has been saying for 50 years nothing will ever stop his support of Israel…
Are you asking if I believe him when he says that?
Or that no other US president can be depended on for that level of commitment?
I’m asking if you believe no other president would support Israel more than Biden. US president? I don’t believe that. Israel doesn’t believe that. You might. There’s a lot of potential presidents in America.
Pretty much every other president from either party has had to put Israel in place at least once during their time in office.
trump is corrupt enough to support anything, but he’s unreliable. If you need him his price keeps going up till you can’t afford him. No one can rely on trump, I feel like I won’t get push ack on that.
We’re not talking potential, we’re talking actual US Presidents, there’s a finate number of them…
“Give a fuck” and stop spreading right wing propaganda, you’re doing your best to create complacency trying to paint a picture that Joe Biden is some awful president. He’s not, and he is the only choice you have if you actually “give a fuck” about WW3 or Palestine or anything else
The DNC hasn’t held their convention yet…
It’s almost two months away still.
Biden is not the nominee yet and there is still time to run someone who not only has a better shot at beating trump. But would be better in office as well.
The DNC are the ones who set that date, they choose when someone becomes the nominee. If you think they should have set it earlier, remember Biden appointed Jamie Harrison to run it.
Care to put money on Biden being the nominee? I’ll put $10k on it
So, you agree that he’s not the nominee because the convention when the nominee is named is almost two months away still?
Just want to clarify that you’re admitting you’re wrong.
Pedantry is unbecoming. He will be the nominee, and he will be your only choice, if you actually give a fuck. Which you don’t, you’re more interested in spreading right wing propaganda about how “bad” Joe Biden is
Unless we change him out for someone who will not only stop supporting a genocide, but because of that will stand a better chance at beating trump.
We good now?
You understand we’re not stuck with Biden, that there’s time for better options, and you haven’t insulted me in a couple replies now.
I’m pretty proud of this, greatly exceed all expectations!
Biden isn’t the “official nominee” yet but under DNC rules, the pledged delegates are essentially required to vote for the candidate their state selected in the first round. Only if no one has the required 1,968 pledged delegates in the first round does it go to a second round. At that point, 739 Superdelegates — party officials, basically — are allowed to vote and pledged delegates can switch to another candidate.
Biden currently has 3,894 pledged delegates. Second is Dean Phillips with 4. So, you’d basically have to convince thousands of Biden loyalists to change the party rules so they could vote for another candidate. And then, in the potential second round, convince the Superdelegates to also reject Biden.
That won’t happen unless he’s literally dead or incapacitated. Both primaries are over and the nominating conventions are a formality. It’d probably be easier to convince the electoral college to vote against the candidate that specifically chose them for their loyalty.
Edit: here’s a link that explains it in detail,_2024
So you don’t see any possibility where Biden would step aside for the good of the country to stop trump?
Do you think he honestly believes he’s the best shot against trump? Or is just willing to risk it?
I do think he believes he’s the best shot against Trump. He’s a politician. Basically every elected official in DC or a governor’s mansion thinks they’d be the best presidential candidate ever. Plus, he already beat Trump once and (according to 538’s polling average) is slightly ahead nationally.
I didn’t support Biden in the 2020 primary and I’m not thrilled with a replay of 2020 but with everyone even older. But at this stage, Biden might be the best candidate. If he did step aside, the convention could easily divide the party and be a total disaster. Do they go with Kamala? A popular governor like Gavin Newsome or Gretchen Whitmer? Could the candidate even put together a campaign staff and raise the necessary cash in time to be a good candidate? They’re already booking TV ad time for September.
I mean, I don’t have an answer to those questions. Maybe voters would be like, “Thank god, someone under 75.” and it’d be a landslide. But it could just as easily be total chaos.
Can we stand together over here. I don’t want to stand next to you.
By “stand together,” OP means “stand together while we watch them march the trans people into concentration camps and this war happens regardless after Trump wins because we refuse to vote for Biden.”
You can stick your head in sand at the beach, but with climate change the tides may be unpredictable.
But I thought when I typed this:
I thought it was clear I was talking about the countries unfortunate enough to share a border with a country ruled by a power hungry madman actively invading other countries.
With the way this is splitting, both sides are going to have at least one.
Geopolitically speaking, there’s no “good side” which I guess history is like when you’re unfortunate enough to live thru it.
Holy bald-faced foreign propaganda, Batman!
Removed by mod
Removrd, civility.
Yeah, you’re right. I’m sorry.
Are you implying that Hezbollah and Iran threatening to attack Israel is Israel and Joe Biden’s fault?
I’m saying if Israel didn’t have unconditional support from America, they wouldn’t be causing so much drama.
They’re the bully that picks on kids when the teacher is in the room, knowing the teacher will always take their side.
Biden is the teacher letting it happen.
Except in this scenario the bullying is a fucking genocide.
And you’re blaming another kid for standing up to the bully, and can’t figure out why the teachers actions are a problem. Is it Biden’s fault Israel is a bully? No, but it’s his fault the bully gets to do whatever they want, and is acting like it
Of course it is. Israel is constantly bombing Lebanon and the only reason they are so confident in bullying Lebanon is Big Brother Biden is standing behind them. Not to mention the planes and the bombs being American.
Literally all evidence points to the opposite of this being true Lol
Pretty sure every US president since Israel was invented has had to check Israel at some point.
Biden has spent 50 years saying he never will, and publicly shit talked Obama when he was VP and Obama had to check them…
It’s possible trump didn’t, but are you really saying he’s as reliable as Joe Biden?
If trump ever realizes someone needs him, he bleeds them for everything they have…
Or are you saying Biden has been lying for 50 years, has a line, and genocide just doesn’t cross it?
Explain why you’re sure of this. American support for Israel is constant and extremely well entrenched. Every time the Israel PM shows up to Congress it turns into a contest to see who can suck his dick The most. The administration doesn’t matter. American support for Israel ranges from absolute material support with absolute political support, to absolute material support and only lukewarm political support. In both cases material support is unaffected.