"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to. Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.” (Matthew 23:13, 27-28)
Bold of you to think they know what’s in the Bible.
Oh, I know, lol.
Whoever wrote revelations was tripping balls on something, man. Probably chewing on a mandrake root while standing next to the Ganga incense burner in the temple for to long hah!
Trump was the keynote speaker at the Faith & Freedom Coalition in Washington DC, a gathering of politically influential conservative Christian activists who advocate for strict abortion restrictions and a tougher stance on the southern border.
Yes, I often reflect upon Jesus’s teachings regarding the border. And all those times he talked about how we should crack down on immigrants. He was so famously against things like, the poor, foreigners, and your neighbors. Clearly these people are doing God’s work.
Jesus was an immigrant (or, I suppose, an “anchor baby”). They don’t like to talk about that.
“Trump is a sociopathic bully who claims to be a victim. If we follow his path, we can ruthlessly attack everyone we hate and still play the victim card. We’ll get back to ethics and morals and all that stupid shit later after everything we hate has been exterminated.”
Repeatedly? Unapologetically? Will continue to do so for personal gain? Apparently all the republicans are thieves literally trying to steal an election, murderers (running over protesters? Letting people drown at the border? Sooting people for pulling into the wrong driveway or knocking on the wrong door?), engaging in idolatry of the Republican Party and the flag, telling lies about their lgbtq and minority neighbors how they’re all rapists and muderers, putting kids and everyone else to work 7 days a week to keep Supply Side Jesus happy…
I dunno about honoring the father and mother? Keeping the racism, generational trauma, and subjugated woman themes going just like Mom and Dad?
Covet? Dunno what to do with that one…maybe the fact that others have rights, slowly escalating equality, and relief from burdens like student loans or hunger by free school lunches. The republicans want to take it all away.
The conservative Ten Commandments.
No one is as good at breaking them as Trump.
Lets break the 2nd commandmemd and worship him like a god…
Why would you break the 2nd? Are you one of those liberal types? /s
But not everyone speedruns them.
Tell me again it’s not a cult.
At this point? It’s way too big to be a cult. MAGA is a full-blown religion.
Insert Pam office meme here.
They are the same thing.
Jeez, even Trump honored his mother and father. Especially his father. Way too much. Your champion can’t even break all ten commandments right.
Hypothetical: Thou shalt not breathe air.
If you breath air, you’re a sinner. Accept God and be forgiven for your sins and receive eternal life. Otherwise, burn in hell forever.
What a scam.