• shalafi@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    No, we’re not banning guns because that requires a Constitutional amendment, not going to happen. We couldn’t pass an amendment making 06/21 Chocolate Chip Cookie Day.

    But to those of you with this facile “BAN” argument, I have a couple of questions. Why wasn’t this shit happening when I was a kid? EDIT: By “this shit”, I meant mass shootings.

    You could order whatever the hell you liked from the Sears catalog. LOL, I have a pump shotgun that was sold in Western Auto stores. You could ride around with long guns mounted in your truck window. And yes, you could get an AR-15 in the 70s.

    Only way I’ve seen laws become more permissive is regarding conceal carry. (I can argue both for and against this.) On every other front, more restrictions.

    So what’s up? Not an easy question, I know. It would take a shelf full of books. We don’t know what happened here, but does it really matter to attack this issue case-by-case? It’s happening. It didn’t used to happen.

    I’ll say it 100 times more, America doesn’t have a gun problem, America has a culture problem.