The only term I could think of is defeminization.
It seems like most people understand what emasculation is and the things that cause it.
What are some examples of situations that can cause the feeling?
Edit: changed effeminization to defeminization.
Infertility/miscarriage, menopause, loss of breasts or uterus to cancer, perhaps being unable to attract a partner or being ‘friend zoned’, trouble bonding with child maybe caused by ppd, loss of hair, accidently mistaken as being a man, failure at traditionally seen as women’s work such as cooking or keeping a clean house
And I’m not sure effeminization is right. When I hear that, I think of a feminized male, not a defeminized female.
I’ll add: growing “excess”, unfeminine hair.
I’m old enough to just pluck as needed and not care all that much, but there are definitely times when I feel like there’s something wrong with me because I can feel two or three hairs on my chin.
No one ever mentions to you as a young girl going through puberty that there’s another one coming in your late 20s-early 30s that will cause you to subconsciously stroke your neck/chin upwards and make smirky faces in your mirror to catch all these hateful manly hairs.
I do this and I see women at stoplights doing this all the time now. But no one clued me in to it as a preteen that it was coming, and that’s rude.
Yeah that all sounds accurate. Ps. The word I had in mind was defemenization, my bad.
People should pause and realize for many men emasculation is: having someone decide what burger they are getting without consulting them, a spouse that earns more money, and having to look after their own children. We have some work to do.