Misquoting the Constitution in a transparent attempt at justifying Constitutional violations?
Why does this sound familiar?
God damn it. Stop summoning the Sherman. Last time someone did that everyone caught on fire.
Yeah, I feel like I learned about this a long time ago and it didn’t end well.
The “Utah Sovereignty Act,” which went into effect this year, is what they claim allows them to do this.
The Legislature may, by concurrent resolution, prohibit a government officer from enforcing or assisting in the enforcement of a federal directive within the state if the Legislature determines the federal directive violates the principles of state sovereignty
Which… why even have a U.S. at that point? Just secede if you feel that way.
Just secede if you feel that way
The land doesn’t even belong to them. Between the Bureau of Land Management, National Forests, Parks, National Monuments, National Recreation and Wilderness Areas the federal government owns over 70% of Utah.
Guess it’s time to evict them eh?
“If they don’t like it here they can get out” or something.
Where have I heard this one before?
Whoa whoa whoa, bringing history into this? What are we supposed to study and learn from that stuff instead of studying some book a polygamist pedophile wrote?
Simple, hold all federal spending for the state. Start moving all federal jobs out of the state, start a BRAC to close all military bases in the state.
Utah receives a lot of money from the federal government, totaling almost a third of their entire state budget. I guess they don’t want it anymore?
I’m so tired of this! I’ve been asking someone DESPERATELY to Shoot up a room full of 6 year olds so I can FINALLY Pretend to care about the Constitution again!
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