Ordinary Gazans are bearing the brunt of the 8-month Israeli military onslaught on the territory and many blame the Palestinian armed faction for starting the war.
Both Hamas and Fatah are corrupt. However, it is impossible to have a free and fair democratic election under an Apartheid State. The Apartheid must end first before it is possible for Palestinians to have a free and fair election.
Hamas does torture and kill political rivals, and has been exposed for corruption. Fatah is also corrupt, seen as working at the behest of Israel at the expense of Palestinians in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.
Both have been funded by Israel as part of a Divide and Conquer tactic. Israel also has a long history of assassinating more moderate and leftist political Palestinian rivals.
Israel is to blame for the Apartheid, yes. Israel has also never stopped torturing or murdering Palestinians themselves, not that you care.
Hamas is obviously responsible for their own crimes against humanity, which have been reported by human rights organizations.
This is an analysis of the corruption within Hamas and Fatah. The existence of both are directly due to the violent Settler Colonialism and Apartheid. On top of that, Israel has funded both as a divide and conquer strategy.
If you don’t like either, which is reasonable as neither do the majority of Palestinians, you need to support an end to the Apartheid in order for Palestinians to have a free and fair election. This isn’t a difficult concept.
Both Hamas and Fatah are corrupt. However, it is impossible to have a free and fair democratic election under an Apartheid State. The Apartheid must end first before it is possible for Palestinians to have a free and fair election.
Hamas does torture and kill political rivals, and has been exposed for corruption. Fatah is also corrupt, seen as working at the behest of Israel at the expense of Palestinians in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.
Both have been funded by Israel as part of a Divide and Conquer tactic. Israel also has a long history of assassinating more moderate and leftist political Palestinian rivals.
Hamas Victory Driven By Desire To End Corruption WPO
Hamas Political Violence in Gaza - HRW 2009
Gaza: Palestinians tortured, summarily killed by Hamas forces during 2014 conflict - Amnesty
Gaza: Journalist facing prison term for exposing corruption in Hamas-controlled ministry - Amnesty
Palestinians furious and fed up with corruption of Abbas’s ‘mafia’ PA - MEE
“Divide and Rule”: How Israel Helped Start Hamas to Weaken Palestinian Hopes for Statehood - DemocracyNow
Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations – review - The Guardian
The fucking gall to blame Israel for Hamas torturing and murdering Palestinians.
deleted by creator
Israel is to blame for the Apartheid, yes. Israel has also never stopped torturing or murdering Palestinians themselves, not that you care.
Hamas is obviously responsible for their own crimes against humanity, which have been reported by human rights organizations.
This is an analysis of the corruption within Hamas and Fatah. The existence of both are directly due to the violent Settler Colonialism and Apartheid. On top of that, Israel has funded both as a divide and conquer strategy.
If you don’t like either, which is reasonable as neither do the majority of Palestinians, you need to support an end to the Apartheid in order for Palestinians to have a free and fair election. This isn’t a difficult concept.
Israel props them up
Can we blame them for torturing Palestinians when they do it themselves?
How about all those Palestinian children they murdered?
Why the fuck is a mod so active in the comments trying to enter into arguments with people?