"As I'm sitting here stuck on a Brightline train because of flooding in my district, all those stormwater projects he cut look pretty stupid right now," a Florida lawmaker said.
Now Democrats will assert that this is Ralph Nader’s fault, because he stole all those Green votes from the other big in-bed-with-fossil-fuels party. Meanwhile, it will still be incredibly important to reach across the aisle and work with Ron DeSantis on bipartisan solutions.
Now Democrats will assert that this is Ralph Nader’s fault, because he stole all those Green votes from the other big in-bed-with-fossil-fuels party. Meanwhile, it will still be incredibly important to reach across the aisle and work with Ron DeSantis on bipartisan solutions.
Have you heard Ron? Do you really think that demagogue would listen to common ground?
I’m old enough to remember when Chuck and Nancy took Congress in 2018 and tried to have a bipartisan negotiation with Donald Trump.
I fully believe the liberal dorks in Florida would do the same if they had any chance of taking one of the comically gerrymandered legislative houses.