An Oregon man who drugged his daughter and her friends with fruit smoothies laced with a sleeping medication after they didn’t go to bed during a sleepover was sentenced to two years in prison.
Michael Meyden, a 57-year-old from the Portland suburb of Lake Oswego, apologized during his sentencing Monday after pleading guilty to three felony counts of causing another person to ingest a controlled substance, The Oregonian reported.
“My whole life is destroyed,” he told the court. “Everything that was important to me up until that point is gone.”
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Care to elaborate on exactly what you mean with the last bit, about them smoking pot by 14. I’m curious.
No? No elaboration? Afraid to say the quiet parts? Ok I’ll say them for you.
This line of thinking is disgusting. You’re saying that because these girls will* partake in drugs and other “uncouth” behavior in the future, them getting it now isn’t a big deal.
Just in case anyone couldn’t read between the lines. If we’re going to be gross, let’s just cut the pretenses and just say it, eh?
*Nevermind that you know nothing about these kids now, let alone their futures.