Rally the Veilguard and defy the gods in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, coming fall 2024 Learn more: https://www.ea.com/games/dragon-age/dragon-age-the-veilguard...
What do you mean “same combat”, like Amalur made some novel innovation? They’re both just 3D, third-person action combat; it’s a mechanic. This is like knocking Fallout New Vegas because it still had you shooting guns, and we already shot guns in Fallout 3.
The game looks disappointing for plenty of legitimate reasons, so let’s stick to those.
I think you misunderstood me, Amalur has a bland combat without much depth and that what I’m comparing to. The new combat looks like a generic third-person combat, they got rid of the tactical combat and didn’t offer anything substantial.
The boss fight with the pride demon looks okay, but the normal enemies are like smashing the button 3 times to kill them.
The opinions are all over the place right now. As someone who loved DA2, I have no problem with actiony combat and linear world, as long as the storytelling and companions stay the same quality.
Don’t listen to the whiners. There are 3 games in the Dragon Age series and only one of them can be considered a “Tactical” game. Hell, I remember all of the fallout and whining from fans when Dragon Age 2 became more of an arcade hack and slash. And then Inquisition was just a combo of the two styles that leaned towards Action over Tactics.
I’ve never played a Dragon Age, and I don’t want to put words in fans’ mouths, but does this game look good to you?
One day the series was a dark fantasy with a more tactical combat with a mix of turn based combat.
Now this shit is a High Fantasy with Kingdom of Amalur combat.
Kingdoms of Amalur was exactly what I thought of. And I liked that game. But this didn’t look like those old games.
The thing is Kingomds of Amalur is a 2012 game, 12 years later we have a AAA with same combat? Doesn’t looks like a evolution at all.
What do you mean “same combat”, like Amalur made some novel innovation? They’re both just 3D, third-person action combat; it’s a mechanic. This is like knocking Fallout New Vegas because it still had you shooting guns, and we already shot guns in Fallout 3.
The game looks disappointing for plenty of legitimate reasons, so let’s stick to those.
I think you misunderstood me, Amalur has a bland combat without much depth and that what I’m comparing to. The new combat looks like a generic third-person combat, they got rid of the tactical combat and didn’t offer anything substantial.
The boss fight with the pride demon looks okay, but the normal enemies are like smashing the button 3 times to kill them.
The opinions are all over the place right now. As someone who loved DA2, I have no problem with actiony combat and linear world, as long as the storytelling and companions stay the same quality.
I think people forgot how much flack DA2 got over not being a Tactical game like DA:O.
Don’t listen to the whiners. There are 3 games in the Dragon Age series and only one of them can be considered a “Tactical” game. Hell, I remember all of the fallout and whining from fans when Dragon Age 2 became more of an arcade hack and slash. And then Inquisition was just a combo of the two styles that leaned towards Action over Tactics.