I’m looking for a guitar tuner app that is FOSS/private in nature.
I saw one called tunerly, but figured I’d check here if there are any recommendations.
Tuner. A great app to use.
Seconded. One of the first foss projects I donated to :)
Thanks for the rec. I tried it last night and am very happy with it, better than what I expected.
You can use Tuner. It can tune many instruments.
Thank you. I’m going to check it out.
Tuner works, & is great.
That said, I’d really like a better display.
Just realized there are 2 instances of ‘Tuner’
The f-droid version first pick has a better UI
Generally, I’d recommend F-Droid as a best first place to go for app recommendations if you’re interested in privacy and such. The vast majority of software there will be ridiculously in line with your privacy wishes, and the ones that have minor caveats will be explicitly marked as such. And its search interface is very decent.
Thanks. I wholeheartedly agree. I was just looking for recommendations from the community based on experience.