like what if the first person to coin the phrase, for the one bee that lays around just producing offspring, lived in a world that had no monarchies? or, were radically opposed to the concept.
also what do you think we would name them today if we just found them?
In Old English it’s “beomodor”, literally “bee mother”
One does not simply walk into beomodor.
that’s some good shit
Does that mean Beowulf means bee wolf in old English?
Yes, or perhaps less literally “bee hunter”, it was used as euphemism for a bear. There’s some theories that saying the actual word for bear was taboo (some theories say that people believed saying it’s name could attract one), so they used euphemisms like that, or “the brown one”, bero, which is where the English word “bear” comes from.
Now that just makes me curious as hell about the original work for bear. Maybe something more similar to the Latin “ursa”?
Boss Bitch
They are called mother bee in Estonian.
Mommy bee
Bee Producer Bee
Your Beeness
Whatever the equivalent word would be. Leader, chief, boss, it doesn’t really matter.
As long as the concept of a single leader existed, it would have been applied to something like bees. Wouldn’t need monarchies to recognize a central focus of an insect group, and pick the closest word for that.
You could maybe argue that there might be some alien species that had no concept of ever needing a decision maker, and they would have to coin a new word for the main reproductive entity of a hive. Something like mother might be used, if the aliens had that concept at all. Perhaps “generator” would be a close enough equivalent that the imaginary aliens would be almost certain to have a similar enough concept.
But humans had a concept of needing someone to make decisions about things way back. So I don’t think it’s a realistic enough idea to say that in the absence of monarchy that we wouldn’t have some kind of term for a person in charge.
deleted by creator
Breeder bee
HBIC (Head Bee In Charge)
deleted by creator
Prime, Alpha, Leader, Lead, Breeder, Spawner, Source, Central, Keystone.
Those prefixes used upon the suffix of: Bee. All seem like potential options
now I’m sitting here thinking about it, from one perspective, you could consider that particular bee to be a slave to the rest of the bees
“Matron” it’s a term you can use and is the head lady of a family, usually implying wisdom and a lot of influence.
seed bee