“Notably, Chang’s report claims that biological females develop earlier than males do, so requiring girls to enter school at younger ages will create classes in which the two sexes are of more equal maturity as they age. This, the author posits, makes it more likely that those classmates will be attracted to each other, and marry and have children further down the line.”
“The report does not include evidence of any correlation between female students’ early enrollment and the success rate of their romantic relationships with men. The author also does not detail specific mechanisms by which his proposed policy would increase romantic attraction or birthrates.”
Wait, are you joking?
i think he mean how korean males are at a disadvantage because mandatory military service. singapore has something similar but the rift is not as extreme as korea. korean males really despise feminism movement both because of that and cultural hierarchy. moon channel discussed this topic in length if youre interested
I was going to post this video. I highly recommend it (and don’t stop at its title, it covers a large amount of subjects).
I’m surprised, this is a surprise. Living in the US, Mexico has forced conscription just south of us for a while. We’ve also had a draft. All that being said, you made a lot of good points. We should probably credit the people who came up with this a LONG time ago.