That utterly misses the point of Pride. It’s not about revenge, it’s about reconciliation. It’s not about hatred, it’s about love. It’s not about divisiveness, it’s about coming together. It’s a good thing that police, etc. want to be in our parades. Excluding them actively harms the progress LGBT+ people have made since Stonewall.
That utterly misses the point of Pride. It’s not about revenge, it’s about reconciliation. It’s not about hatred, it’s about love. It’s not about divisiveness, it’s about coming together. It’s a good thing that police, etc. want to be in our parades. Excluding them actively harms the progress LGBT+ people have made since Stonewall.
Excluding police from pride events ensures the safety of citizens participating in these events.
Who said anything about revenge?
Oh, FFS. Never mind.